Westerman Says SIMPLE Plan To Be Introduced In Piecemeal Fashion

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 98 views 

House Majority Leader Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Hot Springs) says the Republican majorities in the Arkansas legislature will deliver on their promise to propose a SIMPLE plan of new state laws.

The Republicans proposed the SIMPLE plan when they were in the minority before the 2012 elections. The plan calls for Spending restraint; Income and other tax reform; Medicaid Sustainability; Protecting Arkansas’ future; Legal and regulatory reform; and, Educational excellence.

In an interview on Talk Business Arkansas' daily report, the House leader said the bills would not come all at once, but would be filed sporadically at the start of the session.

“It will be piecemeal. I think you will see the legislation has broad support from the House caucus and the Senate caucus. It will fit in the framework of that SIMPLE plan,” he said.

Westerman cited an example of one bill he will file to limit state government growth.

“It puts a cap on spending. It says the state budget can't grow more than the state economy… that we'll contain the growth of state government,” he said. “Had we put this in place 10 years ago, we would have averaged a $250-300 million a year surplus.”

Westerman also said he knew of no effort to repeal the state's death penalty despite the Governor's acknowledgment that he'd sign a repeal law.  He also discussed Medicaid reform, health insurance exchanges, and superproject bond funding.

You can view the webcast below or the podcast at this link.
