R.A.D For Women

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The Rape Aggressions Defense system is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women. The RAD System is comprehensive, women-only course that begins with awareness, prevention, rick reduction, risk avoidance, and progressing to the basics of hands-on defense training.  RAD is not a martial arts program. Our courses are taught by nationally certified RAD instructors and provide each student with a workbook/manual outlining the entire program for reference and continuous personal growth. This is the key to a free lifetime return and practice policy for RAD graduates. Limited to 15 students. Must be 16 years or older. Women only.
Tues/Thurs, Mar 26 – Apr 04 • (4 Sessions)
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
$45 • HS 133 • CRN: 6145
Please call 479-788-7220 to register prior to class date.