Huckabee Hospitalized Over Weekend With Chest Pains

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 103 views 

It looks like everything turned out okay, but our former Governor Mike Huckabee had a scare over the weekend that sent him briefly to the hospital.

“This morning I checked myself into the hospital after feeling chest pains,” wrote Huckabee this past Saturday. “This caused me to miss my scheduled 'Dear Chandler, Dear Scarlett' book tour stops in Cincinnati and Louisville as there is no way we could make them with me sitting in a hospital having tests run. I have now found out the heart is fine, blood pressure is elevated and I am exhausted.”

“I am glad I am okay because although I wrote the book so that my grandkids would have a way to know me after I am gone, I am not ready for that to happen anytime soon,” joked Huckabee.

He apparently recovered enough to make his stop in Alabama where he continued to turn out crowds with the whole “I just might run for President someday” routine.

“I've certainly had a lot of encouragement (to run for President in 2016), and I appreciate that,” he said to local Alabama media. “But it's a tough mountain to climb. The money of it is just daunting. I wish it wasn't about that. I wish it was about ideas and solutions. Unfortunately, for most people, it's not.”

But not everyone on the book tours is pleased.  One fan from Michigan summed it up nicely after being forced to buy a copy of Huckabee's newest book for a chance to meet him and get his 2008 Huckabee shirt autographed.

“At least Pete Rose has the integrity to have at his card table in Vegas a clearly posted sign: Autographs $25,” wrote the fan.

I am certainly glad everything turned out fine for Huckabee although I do not look forward to another four year Presidential tease.  If he was going to run, it would/should have been in 2012.  He likely would have gotten the nomination and perhaps would have had a better shot of turning Ohio red, but that ship has sailed
