New Ads From AFP Targeting Several State Senate Races

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 115 views 

After ruffling Gov. Beebe’s feathers with their last one, Americans for Prosperity is back with a couple of new ads – one that targets the implementation of Obamacare in Arkansas and another one that targets a Democrat running for State Senate.

The first ad highlights $8 million in the federal grants that the state of Arkansas has received to begin implementing the health insurance exchanges that are a component in the new federal health care reform law.

The ad focuses heavily on $1.5 million that was designated for a public relations campaign. David Kinkade reported on some of these ads over on The Arkansas Project.  One ad touted ObamaCare saying “Good News – There is No Bad News.”

I think there would be quite a bit of disagreement with that statement.  You can view the Obamacare AFP ad here.

Another ad targets Democratic Rep. Tiffany Rogers who is running against Republican Sen. Jonathan Dismang in what has become a very tight race.

This was one of the State Senate districts Gov. Beebe spent a lot of time on in his “regrettably” partisan map (the courts words – not mine.)

The district is roughly the same area Beebe represented in the State Senate so he has a personal interest in seeing that a Democrat wins here.

Anyway, the AFP ad criticizes Rogers for her votes to advance a $1.3 billion sales tax, a $1.1 billion fuel tax, and her lack of support for a resolution that encouraged the building of the Keystone Pipeline. Dismang was one of the driving forces behind this resolution.  It is believed that the Keystone Pipeline would create several hundred jobs in Arkansas.

You can view this AFP ad here.

Sources tell the Tolbert Report that it is likely AFP will target other State Senate races with similar ads such as Democratic Rep. Eddie Cheatham who is running against Republican Mike Akin in Senate District 26, and Democratic Sen. Robert Thompson who is facing Republican Blake Johnson in Senate District 20.