‘Light Up the Night’ Gala attracts large crowd
by October 20, 2012 9:29 am 122 views
The two-year process of creating a documentary inspired by talks made by a prominent Fayetteville businessman came to ahead at the Fayetteville Public Library Friday night.
The event to premiere the film, “Up Among the Hills: The Story of Fayetteville,” started with Hollywood-style city lights and red carpet. The 500 guests were greeted by banjo and fiddler players among those dressed in period costumes.
The Golden Globes-style dinner was catered by the Greenhouse Grille. A private reception was held in tandem to the red-carpet at KUAF. Lindt chocolates were paired with wine.
The one-hour film tells the story of Fayetteville through characters that have lived in town in both the past and present. Some who lent their voice to the film were at the premiere. The story begins in 1858 and weaves back and forth to the present. Former President, Arkansas Governor and Fayetteville resident Bill Clinton narrated the film.
The Fayetteville Public Library will host screenings of the film at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 1, and Tuesday, Nov. 6, and 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11, in the Walker Community Room.
The hourlong documentary details the history and culture of the town and is narrated by former resident Bill Clinton, who went on to some notoriety of his own beyond the town’s borders.
The film, written and directed by Emmy award-winning filmmaker and University of Arkansas journalism professor Larry Foley, was funded by the Fayetteville Public Library Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. It was inspired by Fayetteville native John Lewis, known as "Mr. Fayetteville" for his knowledge of the city's history and his desire get the community involved in its' development.
Lewis died in June 2007.
The film goes back to the early 1800s and highlights major events in its history. But Foley said the story is character driven, showing Fayetteville’s reputation as an eclectic mix of people is long standing and well deserved.
Link here for more of the story about the film and its creation.