Arkansas House District 82: Gossage and Post

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 83 views 

The race for Arkansas House of Representatives District 82 pits challenger Bill Gossage (R) against Rep. Leslee Post, D-Ozark, in a contest where job creation takes center stage. But while the candidates agree on the top issue, they differ some on approach.

Gossage believes "the economy, taxes, and the size and scope of government" should be the focus, adding that finding ways to lower taxes, lessen regulations and "prove to business we are a place worth investing in" would be his approach.

Post believes "we must start at the source," and that source is education.

"We improve our economy by strengthening our education system from pre-k through college," Post said. Post also favors eliminating the grocery tax altogether and capitalizing on the state's "countless tourism opportunities.”

These responses were part of a survey conducted by The City Wire in anticipation of the 15 contested state legislative races. Candidates were asked about the top issues in their district, legislative goals for the next term and why each believes they are the right candidate for the position. They were also asked to answer “Yes,” “No,” or “Don’t Know” to a range of issues likely to surface in the 2013-2014 General Assembly.

The candidates' full, unedited responses are below.

Bill Gossage
• What are the top issues in your district?
The top issues in District 82 are jobs and the economy, taxes, and the size and scope of government. Our area needs more jobs and better jobs. People are hurting and are looking for answers. For many people it is the worst time of their lives and they want answers from their elected officials. I’ve had many people ask me about taxes and what is going to happen next year with the implementation of Obamacare and expiration of the Bush tax cuts. The truth is the impact will be felt all across this state. With an economy already on life support, a sudden hike in federal taxes could send the economy crashing. It is a real fear people have and is one reason individuals and businesses are being very cautious about spending and hiring. The size and scope of government is also worrisome to people. I have heard countless people say, “I wish they would just leave us alone and let us live our lives”. Business people describe the government intrusion as job killers through endless and needless regulation.

• What are your legislative goals for your next term if elected?
Clearly the goal for all of us has to be job creation and the economy. My primary goal will be to help develop legislation that addresses 3 areas of job creation. Jobs come from existing businesses, business looking to relocate to our area, and new businesses. I think we need a 4 pronged approach that addresses each of the 3 areas. First, we must begin to remove the red tape and regulatory barriers on businesses. The fear and uncertainty caused by excess regulation as well as the extra cost of compliance is a real job killer. Second, Arkansas is ranked 49th for businesses that need occupational licenses. Again, this is another barrier to job creation that must be corrected. Third, Arkansas needs to have a fairer and simpler tax system. We are currently ranked 33rd in business tax climate. We have the 6th highest sales tax in the nation and are ranked very high in state taxes paid per capita at $2502. Arkansas can do better. Finally, Arkansas must become more competitive with states surrounding us as a place to do business. We are a great state and we must prove to business we are a place worth investing in.

Why do you think you are the best person to represent your district?
The top reason is I had the best mom and dad in the world. Henderson and Ida Bea taught me what was really important in life and what it takes to be successful. I grew up on our small farm in Etna with 3 older brothers. We learned the values of hard work, being respectful, and helping our neighbor. They taught me there are more important things in this world than myself. I graduated from a small school, County Line, in 1975. From there, I went to Arkansas Tech like my 3 brothers and majored in History and Political Science. I have worked in the public schools for nearly 32 years. I have been a bus driver, teacher, counselor, principal, assistant superintendent and was even the interim superintendent upon the death of my friend, Scott Stone, in 2011. I have spent my lifetime in leadership positions, working with people, and putting ideas into practice. I have the experience, I have the knowledge, and I have the leadership ability to go to Little Rock and get things done for the people of this District. I am asking for the honor of representing the citizens of District 82.

Each candidate was asked to provide a yes, no or don’t know response to the following four questions. Anything other than one of the three responses was not accepted.

• If budget conditions allow, would you vote for renewal of the Quick Action Closing Fund?

• Are you for the Nov. 6 ballot item that would raise the Arkansas sales tax rate by a half-cent (0.5%) to fund more than $1.8 billion in Arkansas road improvements during the next 10 years?

• Would you support tougher ethics laws for Arkansas Legislators?

• Would you support expansion of Arkansas’s Medicaid program using federal dollars as part of the new federal healthcare law?

Rep. Leslee Post
• What are the top issues in your district?
The Most Important Issue in my district is JOBS, just like it is everywhere in our state.   As a mother of four, I am passionate about fighting for all of our families' future. We must start at the source. We improve our economy by strengthening our education system from pre-k through college. Pre-k has been a priority of mine since I began this journey of service in 2009. When we have public pre-k programs children not only perform higher throughout their later years, but also parents of these young children are able to work.

I will continue to work with Governor Beebe to strengthen public education in our rural schools. I look forward to going from fifth in education in the nation to first! I look forward to continuing to work as a member of our executive leadership team to solve the important issues of our state. With strong leadership we will continue to wisely balance our budget. I look forward to being a part of Arkansas being a leader for our entire nation.

• What are your legislative goals for your next term if elected?
I will bring more jobs to our district. I am proud to be a part of helping small businesses prosper and new industries like the edamame plant take flight during my term. I have been working on a statewide interim study to examine the feasibility of full-service marinas to be located in every pool along the Arkansas River from Ft. Smith to the Mississippi for the purpose of tourism and economic development. My district has a potential marina project that would produce approximately 140 jobs. I am working to help that project come to fruition as well as aid others along the River who may need similar assistance.  In addition, there are countless tourism opportunities that we have yet to tap into along the Pig Trail. We live in a beautiful part of a great state along the River and up the Pig Trail that we need to find better ways to show off to the rest of the world.

We have successfully cut the grocery tax by $245 million and it needs to go completely.  During my second term I will work to cut it completely.

Water is one of our most precious commodities. ALL Arkansans should have clean, affordable drinking water. I am committed to working with our rural local water associations and state entities to coordinate services and legislation to bring water into the homes of everyone in my district.

• Why do you think you are the best person to represent your district?
I am so proud to represent Franklin, Madison and Crawford Counties. I serve because it is important to have a Representative who truly "gets" the job and will commit the time and energy necessary to do it right. I am fighting for every farmer, every teacher, every fireman, every worker, every business-owner, every parent, and every child. I listen for what is important in my district. I listen to my conscience. I have the work ethic of my father– When you love what you are doing, you don't turn it off. I love serving my district. I love making Arkansas a better place to live for all of our families.

Each candidate was asked to provide a yes, no or don’t know response to the following four questions. Anything other than one of the three responses was not accepted.

• If budget conditions allow, would you vote for renewal of the Quick Action Closing Fund?

• Are you for the Nov. 6 ballot item that would raise the Arkansas sales tax rate by a half-cent (0.5%) to fund more than $1.8 billion in Arkansas road improvements during the next 10 years?

• Would you support tougher ethics laws for Arkansas Legislators?

• Would you support expansion of Arkansas’s Medicaid program using federal dollars as part of the new federal healthcare law?