Web Marketing: Getting Started

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Learn how to promote, grow, and measure your success using the most advanced digital marketing tools. Learn how the savvy business is growing in today’s economy and digital buying environment. Think only large companies are benefitting from Google, Facebook, group deals, and YouTube? Think again. Sign up for this course or make it a
requirement for the person in charge of growing your business. Learn from a local expert who understands the River Valley marketplace and what you need to grow your business!
Tues., Sept. 11 – Oct. 2 • 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
$55 • BD 143 • CRN: 5098
Couples Pricing $45 • CRN: 5099

Please contact The Center for Lifelong Learning to register at 479-788-7220 or on the web at www.uafs.edu/lifelonglearning.