Understanding and Meeting the Challenges of Parenting

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Don’t feel like you are on your own and unprepared for parenting! This class will enable you to join with others who share these challenges as you learn about child development, early childhood to the teen years, child-adult communication, and practical discipline. Join Joanne Simmons, who has more than 40 years experience in child development, teaching, and social work, to find out that you are not alone, and learn new strategies for the important job of being a parent.
Thurs., Sept. 13 – Oct. 18 • 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
$65 • MS 208 • CRN: 5051
Couples Pricing $55 • CRN: 5052
Please contact The Center for Lifelong Learning to register at 479-788-7220 or on the web at www.uafs.edu/lifelonglearning.