Attorneys Star in Punch & Punishment
Have you heard about a heated deposition that escalated to a lawyer getting punched by a fellow attorney last month?
The alleged puncher is John Everett of Fayetteville, who also is the vice chairman of the state Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission.
Everett has been charged with third-degree battery by the Washington County Prosecutor’s Office for allegedly punching Little Rock attorney Jim Penick.
“John Everett slugged me, so I’ve let the process take its course,” Penick said.
“I better not make any comment since I’m the one being charged,” Everett said.
Penick said Everett would’ve landed a punch square in the face, but instead the blow came to the side of his head when he turned.
What did he do to set Everett off?
“I guess he didn’t like the questions I was asking,” Penick said.
We also understand the prosecuting attorney was going to charge Everett with the lesser count of assault if he would apologize for the incident. But the prosecuting attorney was apprised that an apology wasn’t going to happen.
Penick just has that effect on some people, one courtroom wag observed of the incident. And, yes, we’re told the Arkansas Supreme Court’s Committee on Professional Conduct is looking into the matter.