Ozark Society Celebration

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Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Dr. Neil Compton's birthday; the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Ozark Society, an environmental organization; and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Buffalo River as a National river.   A new exhibit on Dr. Compton's life and legacy as founding president of the Ozark Society, exhibits of Ozark Society conservation, education, and recreation activities, artwork by Ozark Society members.  Historic 1960's films by Dr. Compton, a screening of Larry Foley's "The Buffalo Flows," talks by Donald Wleklinski, Ellen Compton, and Ken Smith.  Concert by folkgrass duo "Still on the Hill" at 4:00.  Walk the trails at Compton Gardens.  Venue:  Compton Gardens and Conference Center, 312 N. Main, Bentonville.  Free and open to the public.   10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Saturday, August 18.  For more information, see www.ozarksociety.net .