Arkansas Party Chairmen Size Up Stakes For November Elections

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 81 views 

In our latest edition of Talk Business Quarterly, Democratic Party of Arkansas Chairman Will Bond and Republican Party of Arkansas Chairman Doyle Webb make the arguments for why their political parties should win voters' choices.

Bond touts the progress under Gov. Mike Beebe and suggests that building on these achievements should be the course. Webb says it is time to end “one-party rule” and that more conservative leadership will provide a better platform for Arkansas.

From the GOP's Webb:

Arkansas voters face a historic choice this November. Do they vote to continue a status quo of one-party rule that dates back to the 19th century, or will they embrace bold, conservative ideas of reforming state government that are today being offered by Arkansas Republicans?

Arkansans deserve new conservative leadership that isn’t afraid to put forth much-needed reforms to build a better Arkansas and America. From sending Gov. Mitt Romney to the White House and four Republicans to the U.S. Congress to electing a new conservative majority in both chambers of the Legislature, in November voters will go to the polls and change Arkansas forever by sweeping away 138 years of one-party rule.

Republicans are fighting for hardworking Arkansas taxpayers and Democrats are fighting to keep their jobs


From the Democrats' Bond:

With the leadership of Gov. Beebe, Arkansas has made great progress. This November, we will have the opportunity to elect candidates who want to continue that progress, rather than candidates who want to oppose Gov. Beebe at every turn. We know now is not the time to change course. This November, we must elect responsible candidates to ensure we turn our state and nation over to our children and our grandchildren in better shape than we found it.

The stakes in this election could not be higher. Arkansas Democrats are committed to working with Gov. Beebe for a brighter future, while the other side wants to turn back. With the stakes so high, I would like to issue a challenge to each of you. When you are deciding who to vote for, strip away all the rhetoric and spin, focus on the facts and the qualifications of each candidate. The facts support continuing the responsible leadership of Arkansas Democrats.

There is still much progress to be made, but the core differences between the two political parties have never been clearer. Arkansas Democrats believe in the Golden Rule, not the idea that the man with the gold makes the rules.

You can access both op-eds in their entirety at this link.
