Video: Jeffress Says Racism Partially Behind ObamaCare Opposition

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 145 views 

A video obtained by the Tolbert Report shows a revealing look at Sen. Gene Jeffress' views on ObamaCare.  Jeffress – a Democrat running for the open seat of Rep. Mike Ross – is addressing a Miller County Patriots meeting in Texarkana on May 29 when someone asked him about his view on ObamaCare.

He began by re-telling the story of an “immigrant” who asked him about his stance.

“When I told her my stance on it, she said, 'Thank God. America can do better. My homeland has been doing it for centuries',” said Jeffress re-telling the story.

“We in America can do better. I am not saying it is perfect. It is not, but we can work it out. I guarantee you our people deserve more than we are getting. Our taxes that we are paying – our people deserve better. I gua

rantee you. I have no qualms about that.”

The most explosive part of the video is his re-telling of a story about a lady at an event he was speaking at in Monticello that disagreed with him on his stance supporting ObamaCare.

“She looked at me right in the face and she pointed and said 'I don't want to pay for no more n—r (edited) babies in Chicot County.' You know what that really sounds to me like?  Racism. Racism. Now I know that is not all of it. It is not near all of it, but that's a portion of it,” said Jeffress.

Jeffress goes on to say that he wants to be a part of America that can do better by supporting ObamaCare. “It's not political. It's Christian,” concludes Jeffress.

