Potential Building Near Pauline Whitaker Parkway

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 81 views 

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For more than six months, we’ve been watching the dirt work on land owned by Hunt Ventures LLC near Pauline Whitaker Parkway along Interstate 540 in Rogers.

Hunt Ventures spokesman John George told us last fall the work on the 96 acres known as Pinnacle Heights involved construction of two roads and preparation of the land for future building construction.

So we got excited when we learned the Rogers Planning Commission reviewed large-scale plans June 19 for a 60,000-SF, two-story office building on the property.

But George told us that doesn’t mean construction of the building is imminent.

“We don’t have any solid plans to start it yet,” he said. “We’re in negotiations with some possible tenants right now, and to be prepared, we’ve got a building drawn and are taking it to the city for pre-approval.”

That way, he explained, when the tenants are lined up, Hunt Ventures can go ahead with construction of the building, which will be on J.B. Hunt Drive at Northgate Road.

The current roadwork should be completed shortly, George said.

“That had to be done before we could do any type of development,” he said. “If the economy stays good and the prospects are favorable, I think we’ll see some construction over the next 12 to 18 months, both retail and office space.”