George Bush (The Other Other One) Is Coming To Little Rock

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 69 views 

George Bush is coming to Little Rock next week for a fundraiser, but don't look for the secret service on this one.

It's not either one of the former Presidents, but former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's son, George P. Bush.

Bush is heading up a new political action committee called the Maverick PAC.  The PAC is designed to pull in young conservative Republicans by hosting fundraisers with a lower dollar donation amount.  Tickets for the event in Little Rock for example start at $50.  The PAC is headed up mainly by former members of the Bush/Cheney campaigns.

Roll Call recently profiled the PAC in an article called “Getting Them While They Are Young.”

Another big plus for this PAC in my view is organizers are unpaid, meaning low overhead and more money going directly to the candidate

s they support.  So far this year, they distributed $29,500 to candidates with operating expenditures of only $3,917.  Compare that to Mike Huckabee's HuckPAC which had $122,272 in operating expenses for the first quarter and only distributed $16,000 to candidates.

So far Maverick PAC has not gotten involved in any races in Arkansas, but I am told they plan to help Arkansas attempt to win all four Congressional seats this November.

The event is next Thursday, June 7 at Juanita's.  Tickets start at $50 which gets you heavy hors d'oeuvres and a chance to rub shoulders with George P. Bush. More information here.
