Cotton To Be Endorsed By Tea Party Express

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 137 views 

The Tom Cotton Campaign is about to get yet another endorsement leading up to the May 22 primary. The Tea Party Express will endorse Cotton this morning at a rally scheduled for 9:30 am at the Embassy Suites in Hot Springs.  This comes just a few days after former Presidential candidate and Arizona Senator John McCain also endorsed him as well.

Here is the statement from the Tea Party Express below. Cotton faces Beth Anne Rankin and John Cowart in the GOP primary in the Fourth Congressional District.  Our recent Talk Business poll showed Cotton and Rankin tied a couple weeks ago.

Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer said, “Tom Cotton is exactly the kind of conservative we need in Washington D.C. The historic Tea Party victories in 2010 were only as start, and we are proud to announce this endorsement for the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Tom Cotton has shown extraordinary commitment to serve and defend the constitution through his service to our country in the Army. He is a true leader in every sense of the word and has never turned away from a challenge, unlike many of the politicians in D.C.

“As a Harvard Law grad, a management consultant, and a farmer, Tom will bring a dynamic wealth of knowledge and experience to Washington, D.C. He understands what it takes to create jobs, unlike the current politicians that are driving this anemic recovery. We need bold leadership and free market solutions that will give job creators the confidence they need to invest and allow our economy to grow.

“Finally, we need someone willing to stand up and fight for the voice of the people – someone willing to repeal Obamacare, stop the spending, and reduce the size and intrusiveness of the federal government. We are excited to have such a strong candidate for this open seat and look forward to helping Tom win in November,” Kremer concluded.

This is the organization’s first endorsement for the House of Representatives. The Tea Party Express has already endorsed six U.S. Senate candidates, which include: Attorney General Jon Bruning in Nebraska, State Treasurer Richard Mourdock in Indiana, former Solicitor General Ted Cruz in Texas, State Treasurer Josh Mandel in Ohio, former State Treasurer Sarah Steelman in Missouri, and businessman Tom Smith in Pennsylvania.