Arkansas House District 76: Altes and Pitsch

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 104 views 

The primary battle for the GOP nomination to the Arkansas House of Representatives District 76 pits Rep. Denny Altes, R-Fort Smith, against challenger Mat Pitsch in a contest that presents a focus on job creation.

Altes and Pitsch recently responded to a question about what makes each the best candidate for the position. Each touted “years of experience” and “skill sets” as a prime reason voters should elect them to the 2013-2014 Arkansas General Assembly. They also agreed job creation was the number one issue within District 76.

The only difference of opinion regarded the next Assembly’s top issue. While Altes focused on the economy and the importance of a Republican majority in Little Rock, Pitsch emphasized the “$300-$400 Million dollar shortfall associated with Medicaid,” while admitting he “would prefer our focus be on Economic Development Issues, Education, Transportation Infrastructure, etc.”

Each candidate’s full responses are listed below.

Rep. Denny Altes, R-Fort Smith
• Why are you the better candidate for the position?
The Lord has prepared me for being a legislator all my business life. When I was 26 my wife Susan and I started our own business. I was the mechanic, driver and salesman; my wife was the bookkeeper. Over the years we owned and operated several companies that employed hundreds of people from the community. Through trial and error I learned to negotiate on behalf of my people, so when elected to the legislature, helping people came naturally. I now have many years of experience and countless friends in Little Rock and Fort Smith, enabling me to do the job.

• What is the number one issue within your district?
Jobs are the number one issue facing Fort Smith. Globalization has shuttered our manufacturing sector. As representative of district 76 I have spent several years working hard to promote business by carrying and supporting numerous bills to reduce taxes and cut regulations of our small businesses. I look forward to continuing this effort to deliver jobs and make Fort Smith a community where people and businesses can flourish. We need to continue to encourage our Entrepreneurial spirit.

• What is the top issue the 2013-2014 Arkansas General Assembly will face?

The top issue the General Assembly will face is the economy.  The House Republicans have devised a SIMPLE plan for Spending reform, Income and other tax reform, Medicaid sustainability, Protecting Arkansas future (policy), Legal and regulatory reform, and Educational excellence. We are looking forward to incorporating our positive, simple, direct bipartisan vision, that Arkansans can hold us accountable to, as an alternative to the status quo. Border states are aggressively addressing the tax burden on individuals and Arkansas competitive gap is growing larger. With a Republican majority, we can do better.

Mat Pitsch
• Why are you the better candidate for the position?
My Economic Development experience (2 years as the region’s Economic Developer, 3 years working to building Infrastructure – I-49, Arkansas River Port, etc.), my leadership skills (CEO/President/Engineer of manufacturing company, Dean of University of Arkansas-Fort Smith.) , and my passion for building coalitions who find creative solutions to problems (Director of Western Arkansas – RITA) are the qualifications that I felt I possessed to apply for this job. If voters analyze the results that a politician has accomplished based on the skill sets that are required to do this job, I will be satisfied with the results.

• What is the number one issue within your district?
I firmly believe the prevailing conversation among the citizens of District 76 centers around the topic of Economic Development (job creation). Our unemployment rate is currently 9.1%. This is one of the highest rates in our recorded history. A successful legislator will focus on the most important thing(s) to his constituents. The Economic Development news lately has not been positive and we need to create an environment where we are capable of competing for those Economic Development Opportunities.  These opportunities should be in a multitude of industries – Manufacturing, Tourism, Transportation/Logistics, Education, Research and Development, Medical, etc.

• What is the top issue the 2013-2014 Arkansas General Assembly will face?
Unfortunately, I believe the issue of the $300-400 Million dollar shortfall associated with Medicaid is going to be front and center.  I say unfortunately because, there are so many issues that face us as a state. However, we must deal with this shortfall or the results will be catastrophic. I would prefer our focus be on Economic Development Issues, Education, Transportation Infrastructure, etc., but it’s crucial we tackle the shortfall.