Empty Bowls

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The 3rd annual Empty Bowls event will take place Thursday, February 16th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the Van Buren High School commons. For the price of your $15 ticket you will receive: a handmade bowl, a dinner of soup shared with others in the community, and the satisfaction of helping students in need. All money raised at this event will go to the Community Services Clearinghouse's “Meals for Kids” backpack program within the Van Buren School District. This program provides a backpack full of food on Friday afternoons to students who would otherwise not have adequate nutrition until they returned to school on Monday morning.

Please help the VBHS Art Club and FCCLA to raise money for this wonderful program. Guest will be invited to choose a bowl that has been hand-crafted by a VBHS art student. Musical entertainment will be provided with dinner. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the door or in advance at the Crawford County Center for Art and Education or in the VBHS front office. For more information please email: [email protected].