Damn Yankees!
by February 3, 2012 8:43 pm 212 views
The Urban Dictionary describes a “damn yankee” as someone who moves south because of the warmer climate and friendly people, and decides to stay, (as opposed to regular yankees who return home because they like crappy food and weather cold enough to cause death).
Another kind of “yanks” are coming to the Alma Performing Arts Center Feb. 11. “Damn Yankees,” the show that produced memorable and catchy tunes such as "Whatever Lola Wants" and "You Gotta Have Heart" is sure to hit a home run with those lucky enough to have a ticket for the Tony Award-winning musical.
For anyone unfamiliar with the plot: a baseball fanatic sells his soul to the devil to help his team win the pennant, only to learn that there is more to life than knocking one over the fence.
The curtain goes up on Damn Yankees at 8 p.m. — peanuts and hot dogs not included. For more information, go to the Alma PAC website, or call (479) 632-2129.