Arkansas Ranked Fifth Most Pro-life State – March for Life Sunday

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 78 views 

A ranking released today by the Americans United for Life placed Arkansas as the fifth most pro-life state trailing only Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Nebraska.  Arkansas actually dropped a spot in their rankings from fourth last year with Nebraska moving up from sixth to fourth perhaps due to state limits placed on abortion, such as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act banning abortions after 20 weeks when the baby is able to experience pain.  That measure passed in Nebraska, but stalled in the Arkansas House Public Health Committee chaired by Rep. Linda Tyler where a number of pro-life measures stalled.

“Abortion proponents had a very strong hold on the House Public Health Committee,” said Jerry Cox with Family Council of Arkansas who was pleased with the ranking but hopeful the state could move higher. “I think had that committee allowed a few more bills to be voted on by the entire legislature, Arkansas might be more than number-five today.”

Arkansas Right to Life will host their 34th annual March for Life this Sunday afternoon  at 2:00 in downtown Little Rock. The March begins at Capitol and Louisiana Streets and ends with a rally on the steps of the state capitol.  The March marks the 39th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade,  which legalized abortion.

“Thirty-nine years ago, Americans were led to believe that the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in a few, rare circumstances and only in the earliest stages of pregnancy. We now know the truth, this landmark decision, not only overturned every state law prohibiting abortion, it legalized abortion on demand, for any reason and at any stage of pregnancy, a fact that many Americans find abhorrent and unacceptable,” said Rose Mimms, Executive Director of Arkansas Right to Life.

Both Lieutenant Governor Mark Darr and Congressman Tim Griffin plan to attend as well as many other pro-life leaders and legislators.

“It is my belief that human life is sacred and that we, as a society, should do everything we can to protect those that cannot protect themselves. I also believe we should do everything we can to help the women who are faced with this difficult situation. I am grateful to the organizations across Arkansas — crisis pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and adoption service organizations — who, every day, seek to provide safe, compassionate alternatives to abortion,” said Darr.

“As a proud pro-life Member of Congress, I am committed to policies that protect the lives of the unborn, and look forward to joining many other Arkansans at Sunday’s 34th Annual March for Life event at the State Capitol,” said Griffin.