Adam & Eats: Sweet Boutique

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 68 views 


This week I had intended to take us south of the border once again, but the stars did not align for us, so it will have to wait for another week while I gather more information.

Instead, I thought a whole lot of dessert was in order to help us get over our misfortunes in the area concerning invisible Latin restaurants. Luckily for us, a local baking venture is spreading its branches and we get to take full advantage and eat a metric crap ton of cupcakes in the process. Loosen your belts and schedule a dentist appointment, for we are off on another adventure!

Located snuggly in Cloverleaf Plaza is the newest front for Cedarville’s illustrious and notorious Sweet Boutique. The three sisters that run the place(s) have been churning out wonderful cakes for a while now, but recently came to my attention when they catered cupcakes for my friends’ wedding. After sampling their tasty wares, and smuggling a few home with me, I felt it was my duty to let you folks know about them.

The shop is about what you’d expect from a bakery. It’s brightly lit, clean, and has a great big display case brimming with sexy little cakes, cookies, and pastries. The staff is all smiles and helpfulness. Perhaps they’ve been dipping into the stock once or twice an hour for the duration of their shift. It’s just a thought.

With all of these choices, where to begin? Maybe a cinnamon roll is a good starting point. Theirs are not too gooey and not too sweet, the perfect companion to the morning’s first cup of coffee. In order for us to comfortably settle back into being little kids, but not too quickly, we’ll switch over to the very grown-up Italian cream cupcake. It is wonderful, but perhaps a little too subtle for some of our younger readers.

Some other of their more wonderfully subtle flavors that they offer are the thin mint and the raspberry truffle. Don’t worry, there’s the perfect cupcake when you’re ready to embrace your full-blown inner child. It’s aptly called the PB&J cupcake. Imagine if you will, a vanilla cupcake filled with strawberry jelly, topped with peanut butter buttercream icing, drizzled with more strawberry, and sprinkled with crushed peanuts. Holy crap! This s(m)ucker is the winner of the awesome cupcake contest in your mouth.

The runners up in the same contest are the “Mounds” and the snickerdoodle. Both are equally decadent and delicious. A few that came close to the mark but fell a little short were the Reese’s peanut butter cup and the Oreo. They were both delicious, but didn’t quite reach the glory of their namesakes. Two more of my personal favorites were the banana pudding, which tasted just as it claims, and the strawberry cheesecake, which will be the finishing blow to knock you out at the end of a big meal.

If your sweet tooth is starting to itch from the stress of the in-laws this holiday season, why not let Sweet Boutique give it a good scratch.

A word to the wise, though: Don’t mix and match too much or risk losing the artistic subtleties of the wonderful flavors that these sisters have crafted over the years.

Either way you play it, you’re sure to wind up with a smile, and probably a little icing, on your face. Until next week, good eating to you and yours.

When he’s not beating his eggs, Adam makes time to respond to e-mails that get past his hard-ass spam filter. You can try to reach him at [email protected]

Adam also has this thing called Sandwich Control.