Rep. Harris’ Unendorsement of Rick Perry

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 93 views 

I noted earlier that it appeared Rep. Justin Harris, R-West Fork, might be walking back his endorsement of Rick Perry for President.  He confirms today that he is taking it back, but has no plans to endorse anyone else at this time.  Here is his statement…

I would like to first start by saying, an endorsement for President does not mean a lot coming from Justin Harris.  My importance comes at the moment I cast my vote in the Republican Primary.  I can tell you this, “I endorse the Candidate that will take down our Liberal President, Barack Obama!”  I think the people of Arkansas want to know the plan for putting people back to work, and ways to protect them from the overreaching hand of the Federal Government.  I have always stated that the voters of Arkansas are smart enough to make their own decisions.  The people that are, how should I say it, “not smart” are the politicians who think they know what is best for Arkansas despite what their constituents are telling them.  In my time in Little Rock, I have seen time and time again politicians who continue to go opposite of the will of the people in their district, and in fact, have mastered plans with crayons.  I have not had one question, at home, “Who are you supporting for President?”.  People have asked, “How are you going to put me back to work?”

I believe it takes a real man or a real woman to stand up and say, “I was wrong”.  That is what I am doing today.  I was wrong for putting my name on a list to endorse a particular candidate.  I was one of the 20 conservative legislators that originally asked Gov. Perry to run.  I did not feel that this was an endorsement, but I take full responsibility of this being a show of support for his presidency.  At the time, I was not excited about the slate of candidates that had joined the long list, and to be honest, my person never got in the race.  I was asked by Perry’s Campaign in Austin, Texas, if I planned on endorsing him.  This came right after Perry made the statement that you are heartless if you do not believe illegal immigrants should receive in-state tuition.  I let them know that I fully disagreed and took a lot of heat for the AR HB2008 from Democrats, and did not appreciate being called heartless by the Texas Governor.  I told them that  at this point, “I am out, but I will think about it”.  I then received two phone calls, one was to hear an apology from the Gov., and the other an apology from his campaign people.  I then watched, Governor Perry take back his statement.  With a promise of an apology and a word from campaign staff that he was truly sorry, I gave my OK.  I have done research and found thousands of illegal residents received in-state tuition in Texas.  Which, no surprise to anybody, I am against.

I have been told, by particular persons on the list, that I will appear wishy washy.  I think I have shown conservatives and the people of Arkansas, that I am an independent thinker.  Remember, I was the only vote not to seat then State Representative-Elect Fred Smith, who later had to resign due to a felony.  It was my first vote in the House, before the regular session, and it was lonely.  I would rather be lonely, and do the right thing, than to have people around me that only had their interests at heart.  An African-American man stopped me while I was at a campaign event and said, “Son, don’t ever forget, it’s always easy to do the wrong thing, but it’s always hard to do the right thing.”  Today, I am doing the right thing.  I believe I will appear wishy washy only to those that feel very passionate about the Gov., and at this point I do not.  I will “Man Up” and say, “I was wrong in endorsing Gov. Perry”.  I’m not saying he will not make a great President, but I feel that it was too early in endorsing anyone.  I apologize to my comrades for letting them down, but hopefully they will “Man Up” accept my apology and work with me on making Arkansas a greater place than what it already is!  Once again, let me make it clear, if he or anybody else becomes our nominee, they will have my  full support.  Let’s all pull together and defeat the Liberal Democrat  in the White House!