Movie Reviews: Tower Heist And In Time

by Talk Business ([email protected]) 66 views 

On today’s KARZ-TV’s morning show I reviewed "Tower Heist" and "In Time".

"Tower Heist" has an all-star ensemble cast with Ben Stiller, Alan Alda, Eddie Murphy and Tea Leoni to name just a few. 

Stiller plays the building manager of an exclusive Manhattan high-rise apartment that prides itself on catering to the needs and wishes of their wealthy residents.  Alda is a Bernie Madoff-type investor who swindles the apartment employees out of their pensions, leaving many of them broke and even suicidal in one instance.  Stiller puts together a crew of apartment employees and a small time crook, played by Murphy, to steal $20 million that is squirreled away in Alda’s penthouse apartment.

"In Time" stars Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried in a new sci-fi film set in the future where everyone is genetically engineered to stop aging at 25, but everyone must buy time to keep living. 

Many live in in ghettos with literally only days or hours to live and must fight to get time to stay alive.  Others in this world are extremely wealthy can afford to live hundreds, if not thousands of years.  Timberlake is given 100 of years in free time by a wealthy man who no longer wants to live and decides to use his newfound freedom to take down the system.

Click on the image below to watch my reviews of these two movies.