Open Reception for Artists Tyrone Lewis and Carolyn MacMahon

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You are invited to an artist reception, open to the public, in the newly re-opened "Michael’s Mansion."  This is the beautiful, classical, historical home at 2900 Rogers Avenue. 

Time: November 20, 2011 – 2 pm – 4 pm
        Michaels Mansion
        2900 Rogers Ave.
        Fort Smith, Ar

Meet the Arkansas artist: Tyrone Lewis, and Carolyn MacMahon

The oil on canvas paintings of award winning artist Tyrone Lewis focuses primarily on landscapes, both locally and from his many travels.  They are found in some of the most prestigious collections throughout the world, from corporations to royalty.  He is consistently represented in many of the worlds most competitive jurored shows.  Earlier in 2011, he won the Salon International Honorable Mention Award of Excellence for Artistic Achievement, in this most important and exclusive competition.  Tyrone makes his home in Cove, Arkansas.

Carolyn MacMahon, a resident of Fort Smith, specializes in English landscapes, drawn from her trips to England.  Also an award winning artist, her paintings are found in private collections across the United States, and England.

Both artist are represented by various art galleries; are formally educated in the arts; and have been president and on the board of a regional art organization and/or colleges.  See a preview of their artwork on their websites.  Carolyn MacMahon:  Tyrone Lewis: