Basic Winemaking: For Those Who Want to Enjoy Hobby Winemaking

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The next set of "basic" classes has been set by The Learning Fields at Chaffee Crossing. "Basic Winemaking" has been scheduled to begin October 5, 2011 at 5:30 pm.

This class is being offered for those who wish to enjoy the hobby of winemaking. The class will be taught by Master Gardener Isaac Witt. This class is being restricted to 20 students so pre-registration will be required. Deadline for registration is Sept. 28th. The cost of the class will be $15.00 for students who wish to make wine and $5.00 for students who wish to just audit the class and not make wine.

You will get equipment and ingredients enough to make 5 bottles of wine. We will be making a sweet, red wine made from Welch’s Frozen Concord Grape Juice. You may not care for sweet wine, and if so, you may want to just audit the class. The techniques we will be using can be used to make just about any kind of wine you want.

All equipment and ingredients will be furnished except the 5 empty bottles to put your wine in at the end of fermentation. You will be able to reuse the equipment and make more wine at a later date.

We will have 5 classes. You will be required to attend the first two. If you need to miss one of the other classes, then we will work your wine for you during that class. However, each calss is a critical step in the winemaking process.

Here is the schedule of classes:                                                                         

Class #1: October 5, 2011, 5:30 pm – Start Primary Fermentation

Class #2: October 12, 2011, 5:30 pm – Start Secondary Fermentation

Class #3: Novermber 9, 2011, 5:30 pm – Rack Wine and Top-off

Class #4: December 7, 2011, 5:30 pm – Add Preservatives and Fining Agent

Class #5: December 14, 2011, 5:30 pm – Bottle the Wine

Registration forms may be picked up at the Sebastian County Cooperative Extension Office (call 479 484-7737 for directions) or send an email request to [email protected]. For Master Gardeners who wish to take the class, forms may be picked up at the Master Gardener monthly meeting or at the Learning Fields Board monthly meeting. Directions to the Learning Fields will be given to you upon receipt and confirmation of your registration.

Check out the website at