Track opinions
Results from The Harris Poll show that 25% of U.S. adults believe the country is headed in the right direction, down from 32% just a month earlier.
Poll results were obtained from an online survey of 2,183 adults conducted July 11-18.
Approval ratings for President Barack Obama declined even among moderates and Democrats.
Less than two in five Americans (38%) give the President positive ratings on the overall job he is doing and 62% give him negative marks. Nine in ten Republicans (92%) and Conservatives (89%) give the President negative marks which is not all that surprising. But two-thirds of Independents (68%), three in five Moderates (60%) and even one-third of Democrats (33%) and three in ten Liberals (29%) give the overall job President.
“People are unhappy. Are they angry voters? That we don’t know yet. But if these numbers continue like this, next November could see incumbents of both parties losing in large numbers as voters look for someone new to try to solve their problems,” Harris noted in a statement.
Also sliding were Congress’ job ratings. Just 8% of Americans give Congress positive ratings and 92% give them negative marks. And party doesn’t matter as 89% of Democrats, 93% of Republicans and 95% of Independents all give Congress negative ratings.
In June, just over half (52%) of Americans said, if the election for President were held today, they would be unlikely to vote for President Obama and 41% said they would be likely. This month, 52% again say they would be unlikely to vote for him while 42% would be likely.
Republicans are holding steady with nine in 10 (88%) saying they would be unlikely to vote for him. However over half of Independents (57%) and one in five Democrats (21%) also say they would be unlikely to vote for President Obama if the election were held today.
While the election is still over a year away, only one-third of Americans (35%) think President Obama will be re-elected, two in five (42%) do not think he will be re-elected and one-quarter (23%) are not at all sure. Among his own partisans, while 59% of Democrats believe the President will be re-elected, one in five say they do not think he will be (19%) or are not at all sure (21%).