Directors consider nixing televised ‘Citizen Forums’
One of the more interesting aspects of Fort Smith Board of Directors’ meeting is the “Citizen Forum” section at the end of the meeting during which citizens have the opportunity to directly address the board on any city-related issue.
Shortly after the city began televising board meetings, the forum began to attract a regular group of citizens who typically use their time to challenge the city on its actions or lack of action.
Several Fort Smith Directors said during Monday’s board retreat that they believe some citizens are “grandstanding” for the camera. A possible solution would be to keep the forum, but turn off the cameras.
City Directors Andre Good, Don Hutchings and Pam Weber said they hear from constituents who are “embarrassed” about the comments made during the forum. Weber said her fear is that a person in Fort Smith considering where to locate a business will get a negative impression of the city based on what is said at the citizen’s forum.
Ed Devero, a citizen who attended the board retreat, said the city board should restrict the forum only to those who reside in the city limits. Devero agreed with the idea of cutting television coverage on the forum.
City Administrator Ray Gosack said any move to edit the broadcast of the meeting would likely need an amendment of the city ordinance regulating board meetings. He said a simply policy change would not be enough.
Hutchings said citizens will still be able to speak directly with the board.
“We’re not saying they can’t talk directly to us, but that we not televise that part,” Hutchings said.