Arkansas House Report: Tax cuts highlight a busy week

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 83 views 

Editor’s note: Rep. Leslee Milam-Post, D-Ozark, provided the following commentary on the previous week of the 88th Arkansas General Assembly.

I have not only found a respect and admiration for those I work with, but been reminded of that I have for those I work for.

I took my first trip to the well on Tuesday over HB1145 regarding what information is to be shared with a non-custodial parent who is awarded visitation rights. As I spend sun-up to the late hours of the day working with my colleagues I have developed a kindred heart for so many of the individuals that make up the General Assembly. I have a great respect and admiration for Representative Clark Hall and did not know his intentions of his bill, but do not doubt they are noble. I agree with him and other colleagues that spoke for the bill that there are good non-custodial parents out there with visitation rights that deserve to know their children’s school grades, ballgame schedules, and other school activity schedules, my own husband being one of them.

However, I have seen far more parents on the other end of the spectrum in my years of working with victims of family violence and troubled families to know that we need to leave this one up to the courts, case by case. A blanket law simply is not good. In the end, my trip to the well concluded with my colleagues engaging in about a 40 minute discussion and 27 nay votes.

Perhaps the most highly publicized measure of the week was on Wednesday with HB 1002, which passed by a vote of 53-43. It would eliminate the capital gains tax on profits from the sale of property in Arkansas acquired after July 1 and owned for more than a year, and it would take effect in the 2012 tax year.

I initially signed on as a co-sponsor of this bill because of it’s potential to encourage out of state business into Arkansas. I was thinking, “Wow, wouldn’t another Mitsubishi be great for the River Valley!” Humbly, I admit, I was thinking jobs, jobs jobs. It was initially said to have about a $12 million impact. It is estimated by the state to have $40 million and upwards. I requested to be removed as a co-sponsor because of the uncertain economic impact on our communities.

We may be creating jobs. But if we are hurting the working people of Arkansas, it is pointless. I am concerned this bill has the potential to take away our already much stretched general revenue. This could mean reduced tax revenue for schools, highways, and emergency services; chances are we are hurting the same people who need the jobs. An amendment was filed on behalf of me and 17 fellow representatives to be removed from the bill. There was much spirited debate before the amendment failed and then the bill passed the House.

Other bills passing in the House Chamber on Wednesday included HB1052 to reduce by one-half percent the sales tax manufacturers in our state pay on utilities and HB 1056, which would clarify tax code to reduce state income taxes for head of household taxpayers with dependents. This would provide some needed relief to our qualifying single-parent families.  All three of these bills have been sent to the Senate for consideration.

We still have some vital issues to tackle. The House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee will begin looking at proposed constitutional amendments on Wednesday. The General Assembly can refer three proposed measures to the ballot.  Twenty-five amendment proposals have been filed in the House and Senate for consideration.

Also, we expect measures to be introduced this week, addressing highway funding and the state’s growing prison population.

We will continue this productive momentum as we round out the seventh week of the session.

As always, I am committed to keeping you informed of the work being done in your House of Representatives! I encourage you to stay passionately involved. Contact our Senators and Representatives regarding the issues dear to you.

You can now watch most committees and House proceedings via live stream at the Arkansas House website.

As always, please contact me at with questions or concerns at (479) 518-0331, or [email protected]