360 Leadership Series Luncheon

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360 Leadership Series: Judith Tavano, M.A., SPHR, CPP
Why does Judith Tavano think she knows something about generational diversity, and why does she want to share it with you?  Simple:  she has been studying generational diversity for the better part of a decade and believes that the more we know about our generation, and the generations preceding and/or are following us – the better our working relationships, our personal relationships and our overall communications activities will be.  Generational diversity affects us all – and all we do.  It’s no longer a one- size- fits-all world.  Our young colleagues, children, and grandchildren have grown up in worlds totally different from our own, and their expectations of life have been formed accordingly.  They tell us those expectations every day through their behavior.  We just need to understand what we are seeing to know how to work with them, guide them, and communicate with them.  It will be their world in the not too distant future, and in some ways, it already is.  These young people are not the enemy of the mature; they are fruit of our labors.  Nature compels them to rebel against us while at the same time it drives us to want to get closer to them.  Studying the generations and what makes each so unique will help us as we try to co-exist gracefully.
Judith Tavano, SPHR, is the founder of genMatters.com, an adjunct instructor in the human resource development program in the College of Education and Health Professions, coordinator of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Learning System course for the University of Arkansas.
Tickets are $15 for each event and may be purchased on the web at www.360LeadershipSeries.com. Table sponsorships are also available. As a table sponsor, you will receive a table for eight at all luncheons, your name or your firm’s name on promotional materials, and special recognition at each luncheon.
For more information call:
479-285-5233 or 479-719-1262
Noon-1 p.m.
Phoenix Expo Event Center
4600 Towson Ave.
Fort Smith, AR