Beebe Discusses Political Legacy

by Talk Business ([email protected]) 133 views 

On this week’s edition of Talk Business, we aired the second part of our lengthy interview between Gov. Mike Beebe and political columnist John Brummett of the Arkansas News Bureau.

Beebe discussed the debt owed to the federal government regarding the unemployment trust fund and how he’ll approach ethics reform with legislators.

"…I thought a two year waiting period for legislators to become lobbyists was good public policy and something I would support," Beebe said in the interview.

"What I’ve been really careful, and again this goes back to my days in the Senate, I’d tell them privately what I think and I think there ought to be some significant reform, that being one of them. But I remember that internally, when Governors stuck their nose into the internal operations of the Senate, or what we perceive to be the internal operation, it was often counter-productive. I’m more effective if I can privately talk to them…" he said.

Beebe also discussed thoughts on a "Wal-Mart rule" for lobbyists.  The rule would not allow a cup of coffee to be bought for legislators.  The Governor thinks that a rule could pass and that there might be cheating, but he’s not opposed to the effort.

Entering his final term as Governor, Beebe also offered thoughts on how he thinks he’ll be judged by history.  You can view his interview below.  For more on the Governor’s wide-ranging interview, visit our YouTube channel at