Airport commission reviews budget, $35 million runway extension

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 125 views 

story by Aric Mitchell
[email protected]

The full 2010 budget was on display at Tuesday night’s meeting of the Fort Smith Regional Airport Commission, and the final numbers set well with the commissioners as Airport Director John Parker revealed that revenues had over-performed and expenses came in slightly lower than expected.

The accumulated operating revenues of the 2010 plan accounted for 103.6% of the budgeted amount. The final tally was $2,917,040. The overage was due in part to an increase in parking lot and miscellaneous revenues. Parking lot revenues had been budgeted at $256,000, according to financial records. The actual number came in at $312,000.

Under the miscellaneous budget code, revenues were originally set at just $3,000 before a 2010 amendment increased the budgeted amount to $150,000. The final number exceeded even highest expectations with $165,353, due mostly to land sold along Highways 255 and 45 for the sum of $52,642 and reimbursement for the previous year’s rubber removal expenses for the sum of $75,000. Accumulated operating expenses finished at $2,258,403, just 89.6% of the budgeted amount.

With no new items of business up for action, talk turned to ongoing activities and projects relevant to the airport with the Airport Master Plan taking center stage. Parker provided executive summaries of the Master Plan to both board members and press before reviewing some of the changes, accomplishments and projects on the horizon.

Devised in 2006 for the sum of $500,000, the document details building plans for existing properties and airport expansion through 2025. Taking both an inventory of existing conditions and an aviation forecast based on previous demand, the Master Plan sets forth facility requirements as well as a layout plan and drawing to help guide future development. Each Master Plan is good for a minimum of five years, Parker told The City Wire, before adding that the one in place could last an additional five before an update is necessary.

Of the upcoming projects, one that drew the most attention at Tuesday’s meeting was the 1,000-ft. runway extension on Runway 7-25 set to aid the Air National Guard in military training exercises. The project, which Parker describes as a “multi-year addition,” will cost an estimated $35 million when finished. The need was originally identified in the 1990 Master Plan, and is now moving closer to fruition. It will be overseen by Morrison-Shipley Engineering (MSE) as will the realignment designs underway on Taxiway A.

In other business, Parker reported that the Airfield Electrical Project is more than 90% complete thanks to the efforts of MSE and McGinty Electrical. He also commended staff for keeping aviation operations running smoothly in spite of the recent winter weather, and noted that the addition of new equipment, including a motor grader and snow plows, have made it possible to avoid delays or shutdowns.

Parker also wanted to note that in preparation for the upcoming 2011 Air Show (to be held Oct. 1 and 2), the field maintenance staff is remodeling restrooms in the old fire station for public use. Terminal staff members are also in the process of updating the restaurant. One addition will be digital advertising displays in the baggage claim area.

The next regular meeting of the Fort Smith Regional Airport Commission will take place Feb. 22, 2011, at 5:30 p.m.