Not happy or secure

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 64 views 

A new Harris Interactive poll finds that just three in 10 Americans (30%) give President Obama positive ratings on the job he is doing on the economy while seven in 10 (70%) give him negative ratings.

When asked to compare their financial situation to last year, 42% feel less secure now while 36% feel just as secure and 19% say they now feel more secure.

“While this reflects the end of a troubling financial year, it also shows an improvement from what people felt last year at this time. One year ago, over half of Americans (56%) said they felt less secure about their financial situation when compared to the previous year,” Harris noted in the survey statement.

The Harris Poll was conducted Dec. 6-12 among 2,331 adults who were surveyed online.

“At the beginning of the year everyone always has the best intentions. Resolutions are made typically about health, diet and/or finances. But, as everyone knows, resolutions are also broken and if they last until the end of January, that’s a great thing. As the year goes on, it will be interesting to see if people are saving more, paying down their debt or cutting back on household spending,” Harris noted.

• One-quarter of Americans (26%) say they expect the economy to get worse in the coming year while 29% expect it to get better and 45% say it will stay the same.

• Last month, more than one-third (34%) said they thought the economy would be getting better, 41% said it would stay the same and 25% believed it would get worse.
The job market

• In looking at the job market, just over one in three Americans (13%) rate the job market in their region of the country as good while 63% rate it as bad and 24% say it is neither good nor bad.

• Looking ahead, one-quarter of U.S. adults (25%) say they expect the job market to be better over the next six months, 22% say it will be worse and 54% believe it will remain the same.

• Looking to what people may be doing with regard to their finances in the coming year, half of Americans (49%) say they will cut back on their household spending. Two in five say they will pay down their level of debt (41%) and save more in the year ahead (40%).

• One in five U.S. adults say they will get rid of one or more credit cards (22%) and save more for retirement (22%) while 13% say they will undertake home improvements that increase the value of their home.

• Less than one in ten will invest in less risky investments (8%), refinance their mortgage (6%) or take out a home equity line of credit (2%). And, one in five Americans (18%) say they do not expect to do anything differently financially in 2011.