More or less

by Michael Tilley ([email protected]) 88 views 

Here’s to hoping our 2011 is better than 2010. And following are a few specific hopes, more or less, for the next year.

More active recruitment of jobs and companies that will help diversify our regional economy in such a manner that it raises average income levels and greatly increases entrepreneurial opportunities.

Less talk about doing the above.

Less hands-on approach to governing by our federal government.

More folks requesting a less hands-on approach to governing by our federal government. (Or at the least, combine federal health care with airport security so we get screened for flying and prostrate health at the same time.)

More folks turning frequently to online news sources for their updates.

Less awareness among folks in the traditional media of the benefits of good content combined with convenience and quick reader access.

More local citizens who seek first to understand their local government before agreeing or disagreeing with it.

Less noise from citizens who opine on local government actions and leaders with a “ready, shoot, aim” approach.

More awareness among folks that the middle of a Wal-Mart aisle is not the place to spend 15 minutes catching up with a former co-worker, neighbor or probation officer.

Less of a chance that I get in the Wal-Mart checkout line with a debit card reader that doesn’t work. (Really, Mr. or Mrs. Wal-Mart exec, what’s up with your card readers? You guys only made a little more than $14 billion last year and I didn’t, but I can buy a card reader app for a smart phone for less than $1.)

More Arkansas legislators who understand the benefits of the film and movie industry and are willing to engage the type of incentives necessary to better compete for the next “True Grit” or similar movie of global appeal that has an Arkansas connection.

Less nonsense from Arkansas legislators — especially those with an address in the Fort Smith region.

More time to spend with family and friends.

Less time spent with folks at the revenue office and around those who believe everyone within a 30-foot radius are interested in their cell phone conversation.

Less to read about Tony Romo’s off-the-field accomplishments.

More to read about Tony Romo’s on-the-field accomplishments.

Less buffoonery among local citizens who seek to minimize or maximize the reach of local government unless and until they want it to bend to the desires and/or demands of their pocketbook, religion, politics, bedroom values or xenophobia.

More folks actively involved in local government who would counter the aforementioned buffoonery.

Ditto, more or less, with respect to the above More and Less as it relates to state and federal government.

More about the heart-healthy benefits of filet and merlot.

Less about how global warming is caused by raising filet and growing merlot. (Less about global warming, period.)

More public school classes focused on providing students critical thinking skills.

Less (or fewer, but “less” fits with the theme) public school classes focused on teaching students to memorize standardized test answers.

Less of an ability of college officials and coaches to say with a straight face that players remain eligible because they weren’t properly notified that trading jerseys or rings or autographs for tattoos or hookers or electronics was against the rules.

More awareness that college football is pretty much one big 1980s SMU program.

More trust that my personal liberties aren’t daily being compromised by folks who truly believe they are looking out for my best interests.

Less of this nagging notion that maybe I should stock up on canned goods, ammo, cash, seed, and other basic commodities and necessities.

More drivers aware that their vehicle has a blinker switch that indicates intent to turn and — believe it or not — intended turn direction. That’s right, one switch with two purposes!

Less of a chance I or my vehicle suffers harm after saying or “signing” something stupid to an old boy who ain’t in the mood to be chided about his not using the blinker switch.

Less of this pop music, bubble gum, no-talent, cliche-ridden crap that passes for country music.

More folks receiving country music awards who look and sound like Cash and Haggard and Cline and Yoakum and Lynn and Willie and Waylon and the boys.

Less silliness in this Riff Raff space.

More substance in this Riff Raff space.

More or less the acceptance that the above two lines are wishful thinking.

And more or less a 2011 that leans far in favor of the More you seek to enjoy than the Less you seek to avoid.