The City Wire endorsements: Boozman, Womack, Ross, Beebe, Broadway

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 101 views 

The editorial board of The City Wire has considered for endorsement 15 federal, state and local races. Municipal and county endorsements will be published Tuesday (Oct. 26). Key area legislative race endorsements will be published Monday.

Endorsements that follow are for U.S. Senate, 3rd Congressional District, 4th Congressional District, Arkansas Governor and Arkansas Lt. Gov.

• U.S. Senate
U.S. Rep. John Boozman (R)
U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D)

The City Wire endorses Boozman in this race. Not that he needs it. All polling since the primary election have shown the 3rd District Congressman with a healthy lead over Sen. Lincoln.

But we don’t endorse Boozman because he is likely to win (In fact, we’ll be pleasantly surprised if a majority of the 15 candidates we endorse survive Nov. 2.) Our endorsement is based primarily on the belief that Congress has swung entirely too far to the political left under the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Harry Reid. Lincoln voted for — indeed was the deciding vote for — what we believe is a job-killing, individual-liberty killing national health care “reform” law.

While we don’t see Boozman as having the charismatic leadership to single-handedly reverse the political direction in D.C., we do believe he will be part of a larger group of U.S. Senators who believe more government programs and regulations aren’t the answer.

We are also convinced that Boozman will be a better trustee of Fort Smith metro issues and needs than the alternative.

• 3rd Congressional District
David Whitaker (D)
Rogers Mayor Steve Womack (R)

The City Wire endorses Womack in this race, as it did in the Republican primary for the seat.

Whitaker has stated an agenda that is far more conservative than what his D.C. friends may espouse, but that offers little comfort considering the extent to which the D.C. Democrats have pushed to expand government. We need someone we fully believe will stand firm against Democratic AND Republican moves to expand the role of federal government. We believe Womack is that man.

Also, Womack has convinced us that the Fort Smith area will not be of secondary importance to his Northwest Arkansas loyalties. Although we’ll certainly be diligent to ensure the convincing remains, The City Wire is confident Womack understands the importance to this region of Interstate 49, the Regional Intermodal Transportation Authority and the potential of Chaffee Crossing — just to name a few key areas.

• 4th Congressional District
Beth Anne Rankin (R)
U.S. Rep. Mike Ross (D)

The City Wire endorses U.S. Rep. Mike Ross.

The winner of this race is important because a not insignificant portion of the Fort Smith metro area is in the district. Also, the longest piece of I-49 not yet funded is in the 4th District.

Rankin has run a good campaign that has her within the reach of an election-day upset. But not only is Ross one of the few conservative Democrats — he voted against the health care bill — in D.C., he knows I-49 and the needs of the Fort Smith region. While some may argue that a conservative Democrat is an oxymoron, we prefer to take our chances with an experienced Congressman who would not have a learning curve when it comes to Fort Smith regional issues.

• Arkansas Governor
Gov. Mike Beebe (D)
Jim Keet (R)

The City Wire endorses Gov. Mike Beebe.

To be sure, Jim Keet is a qualified candidate who, if not facing one of the more competent and accomplished governors in Arkansas history, would be a likely winner and good governor. Keet’s problem is that he has been unable to out-conservative a conservative governor.

Beebe has proven to be more than just a good governor. He pushed for and has signed one of the largest tax cuts in Arkansas history. He’s been a fanatic about working with the Arkansas Legislature to manage the state budget during what has been a tough few years for state budgets.

His “twin pillar” priority focus on education and economic development has produced results for the state — and the Fort Smith region, especially — during a time when the national economy is not healthy. Sure, the state has lost more jobs than it has gained in recent years, but only a hardcore political animal would lay 100% of the blame at Beebe’s feet.

This Beebe endorsement also comes with an encouragement for him to use his final term (and significant political capital) and do the politically unpleasant “house cleaning” necessary to end the unethical and illegal policies related to vehicle use and “double dipping.”

Without question, this is the easiest endorsement made by The City Wire during this election cycle. Gov. Beebe has made a clear and compelling case for a second term, and we look forward to a second term from a man with the political skills and clout to leave state government in far better shape than he found it.

• Arkansas Lt. Gov.
Sen. Shane Broadway (D)
Mark Darr (R)

The City Wire endorses State Sen. Shane Broadway. We base the endorsement on what Broadway has proven he can do — a political decision to stick with the bird in the hand.

Darr is a small business owner and makes a good case for good governance, but we know Broadway was an effective Speaker of the House and has proven to be a fan of pro-growth/business policies in the Arkansas Senate.

Broadway was a key partner with Gov. Mike Beebe in fighting for and winning a 3% reduction in the sales tax on groceries. Broadway also supported a reduction in sales tax on utilities for manufacturers.