360 Leadership Series Luncheon

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360 Leadership Series Luncheon: Doug Babb

On July 30, 2007, Doug Babb became CEO of Cooper Clinic in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Doug has a long and successful history of leadership in business including Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative and Legal Officer at Beverly Enterprises and Senior Vice President at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation. Babb received his B.A. Degree in Pre-Law from Minnesota State University and his J. D. from the University of South Carolina. Doug, his wife Kathy and their family have lived in Fort Smith since 2000. He is actively involved in many community organizations including the Donald W. Reynolds Cancer Support Foundation, the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce, United Way, and the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith. Doug is well respected for relationship building and is personally committed to strengthening healthcare in our area. The 360 Leadership Series was created by a group of John Brown University alumni to provide professional development, networking opportunities and spiritual growth for River Valley professionals. Luncheons are held the first Thursday of the month through December. Future speakers will be David Roth, President of WorkMatters on November 4; and Dr. Rick Niece, President of the University of the Ozarks in Clarksville on December 2.
Tickets are $15 for each event and may be purchased on the web at www.360LeadershipSeries.com. Table sponsorships are also available for $500.00. As a table sponsor, you will receive a table for eight at all four luncheons, your name or your firm’s name on promotional materials, and special recognition at each luncheon.
For more information call:
479-285-5233 or 479-719-1262
Noon-1 p.m.
Phoenix Expo Event Center
4600 Towson Ave.
Fort Smith, AR