Dick Morris owes an apology to Steve Womack

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 90 views 

At the Tea Party events held Thursday in Fayetteville and Fort Smith (April 15), political author and consultant Dick Morris encouraged the hundreds gathered to not vote for Rogers Mayor Steve Womack because Womack had failed to sign a no tax pledge.

The “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” is managed and promoted by the Americans for Tax Reform and has become somewhat of a requirement for candidates who seek support from Tea Party supporters.

Womack is one of eight candidates in the GOP primary for the 3rd Congressional District. Womack, State Sen. Cecile Bledsoe and Fort Smith attorney Gunner DeLay are considered the frontrunners in the 3rd District GOP primary.

Morris told The City Wire he would apologize and/or congratulate Womack if he signed the pledge.

Well, Womack has signed the pledge. Furthermore, Womack said he never “refused” to sign the pledge, but was just waiting for tax day to sign the pledge

“There is just no better day than tax day to do that (sign the pledge),” Womack said.

John Kartch, communications director for Americans for Tax Reform, said Womack’s signed pledged was received at 4:35 p.m., Thursday. Kartch said the ATR Web site listing the pledge signers will update Friday.

Womack issued the following press release late Thursday afternoon.

“I have signed the Taxpayers Protection Pledge. There is no better day than today to memorialize my longstanding opposition to tax increases.

“Today, April 15, millions of Americans went to the post office to mail in taxes they see as burdensome. I sign this pledge in respect to the American taxpayer.

“Like most Arkansans, I am tired of politicians who run on conservative rhetoric just to get elected, but then vote for tax increases and other liberal schemes when in office. My campaign is based on more than rhetoric. It’s based on my record. As Rogers Mayor, I ended deficit spending and balanced the budget 11 years running, without ever raising taxes!

“This actual record is far more meaningful and predictive of future action than empty campaign promises.

“The people of the 3rd District don’t need to look at campaign pledges and rhetoric to know what the candidates will do in Washington. Just look at our records and you’ll know who really is serious about balancing budgets without tax increases and who is not.”

Teresa Owelke, president of the Arkansas chapter of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, said she will inform Morris of Womack’s decision. The APF funded Morris’ trip to Arkansas.

DeLay told The City Wire he doesn’t believe Womack was waiting for tax day.

“He’s doing it because Dick Morris called him out on it and now he’s panicking and telling you that story,” DeLay said.