AAF-Fort Smith Presents: Twitter for Business

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Twitter for Business:  Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, MySpace… is it just for fun and keeping in touch with people you already know?? Actually… NO! Come hear Brant Collins talk about social networking and how you can use it to market yourself and your company. You’ll learn why you should be using these free tools for more than just socializing and some pointers on how to make it effective for you.

When: Tuesday, April 20, 2010       Time: 11:45am – 1pm

Where: Central Mall Community Room – 2nd Level above Maurices, 5111 Rogers Ave, Fort Smith, AR

Members w/lunch: $10       Members w/o lunch: Free

Guests w/lunch: $20       Guests w/o lunch: $15

Guest Speaker: Brant Collins has over 14 years in media and advertising and is currently CEO of Station X a digital agency specializing in content for the web. As a promotions producer for Clear Channel, Brant Collins helped launch the FOX 16 News in Little Rock. Brant then moved to Equity Broadcasting to be the production manager overseeing all aspects of commercial and content creation for stations in over 40 markets across the United States. While at Equity he was instrumental in launching a local newscast, a re-launching of a multi state Spanish newscast, and a nationally syndicated live call in talk show. He also developed the process by which all affiliate stations around the United States sent commercial spots and news content to Little Rock via the Internet saving Equity thousands of dollars in shipping cost alone. Proof of his creativity, passion and leadership was evident in his entry in the 2007 Little Rock 48Hr film contest. Leading his highly skilled and motivated team of 7, Brant Collins was able to not only compete with much larger teams but was nominated for Best Director and the film “Nick of Time” won awards for Best Use of Prop and Best Visual Effects. Brant Collins currently runs his own ad agency, Collins Media whose clients include Alltel and Philander Smith College. Brant Collins served 5 years in the US Navy in which he was a qualified Submarine Sailor and Navy Scuba Diver, is currently 2nd Vice Pres. of AAF Little Rock.