Westphal family increases donation to Marshals Museum - Talk Business & Politics

Westphal family increases donation to Marshals Museum

by The City Wire staff (info@thecitywire.com) 89 views 

The Westphal family has donated another 2.36 acres to the U.S. Marshals Museum, boosting the family’s total land donation to almost 6 acres of prime riverfront property.

News of the expanded donation came from a U.S. Marshals Museum board update issued Wednesday (Jan. 6) from Marshals Museum Director Jim Dunn.

Bennie Westphal, who serves on the museum board and on the museum’s foundation board, said the approved museum plans suggest a need for more room for parking and landscaping. Westphal said the family has always been desirous of the museum to be a “showpiece” on the riverfront.

“I want that place to be a real show piece for our community and so I wanted to make sure they had pretty much wanted they needed to make it work,” Westphal told The City Wire.

Robin Clegg, Westphal’s sister, also serves on the museum’s foundation board.

Westphal, who with the family owns 85 acres along the riverfront, is also seeking city support for a development plan that includes a $20 million baseball park and office and retail space. The city, Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Westphal family have equally split a $160,000 “opportunity analysis” of the plan that should be complete by early April.

Dunn also said in his update that the Dec. 18 reception in Little Rock was a success. Former President Bill Clinton served as the honorary host of the reception — held in the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion — attended by at least 180 individuals who may directly or indirectly donate to the construction and operation of the museum.

“As you read this  update, the staff is already at work following up on the relationships initiated or strengthened by the reception. We will have additional ‘friendraisers’ and will update you accordingly,” Dunn noted in the update.

Following is the complete update memo from Dunn.

On behalf of the Staff of the U.S. Marshals Museum, let me wish you a Happy New Year. I hope your Christmas was a wonderful season for you and your loved ones. This email is to get you “caught up” since the Museum Board of Directors didn’t meet as scheduled in December.

Thank you for your understanding in allowing the staff to focus on the December 18th reception. We won’t often cancel regularly scheduled Board meetings. This cancellation allowed the Staff to devote all our resources to making the Presidential Reception a success. We owe a great debt of gratitude to Governor Beebe and his staff, and in particular Foundation Board member Gary Grimes, in making this event happen. This also marked Barbara Harvel’s initiation into Foundation events.  She was primarily responsible for making it a success. She, Sandi, Jessica and Bonnie worked extremely hard to make this a successful event.  President Clinton praised the cooperation between the Clinton Library and the U.S. Marshal Museum in implementing the Primary Source Toolkit Project, the brainchild of Jessica. The toolkits are in four states during the pilot program phase, including 60 classrooms in Arkansas. Plans are underway to expand the program regionally.

As you read this  update, the staff is already at work following up on the relationships initiated or strengthened by the reception. We will have additional “friendraisers” and will update you accordingly.

So much has happened since the September Board meeting. I’ll try to hit the highlights.

We had a great turnout for the Nov. 1 reception with Congressman Boozman and Senators Lincoln and Pryor at Neal and Gina Pendergraft’s home in Fayetteville to secure support and awareness for the U.S. Marshals 225th Anniversary Coin legislation. The Mothers Day Coin legislation has 252 co-sponsors. Congressman Boozman’s staff is hard at work to secure additional support. The U.S. Marshals Service Association, consisting of retired U.S. Marshals and Deputies, is working with Congressman Boozman’s staff to secure additional sponsors. The Senate version, S. 2106 was introduced by Senators Lincoln and Pryor shortly before the November 1 reception.

On December 10, I met with representatives of Congressman Boozman’s staff and Senator Lincoln’s staff in Washington, D.C. to discuss the status of the coin legislation.  A late departure from Fort Smith kept me from meeting my third appointment with Senator Pryor’s staff.  These relationships should assist in future dealings on this and other legislative matters. While in Washington, I attended the Holiday Party hosted by U. S. Marshal Service Director John Clark. Mike Pearson was kind enough to shepherd me about.  After returning, I learned that the Omnibus Appropriations Act had passed Congress and been signed by President Obama that includes $250,000 to the City of Fort Smith for infrastructure related to the U.S. Marshal Museum. This remains a priority for the City in its legislative agenda.

I am especially pleased to announced that the Westphal family has given the U. S. Marshals Museum an additional 2.36 acres adjacent to and immediately north of the 3.49 acre tract previously given to the Museum. We now have almost 6 acres of prime riverfront property for this project.  In addition, as you all know,  we have had several exciting announcements regarding the progress of our capital campaign. I would like to thank members of both boards for attending these announcements and for your continuing support. We are pleased with the progress to date.

As we move into the new year, there is much that lies ahead. We hope to announce a cooperative educational program with the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, working with Dr. Ray Wallace, in the next several months. We will be following up privately on relationships established at past receptions. We will be planning more such events.

Our website is now up and running at usmarshalsmuseum.com. This is Phase I of its development. We are planning exciting new additions, including oral histories, and interactive activities  as well. We are also finalizing the one minute “interstitial videos” that will air nationally on public television stations as “commercials” as part of the “Great Museums Series.” An 8 minute segment will be available on our website and for fundraising.

I would be remiss if I did not close by thanking Sandi Sanders for all she has done for the Museum. Perhaps we will have an opportunity to thank Sandi in a more tangible fashion at a later date.

Finally, please add the following meeting dates to your calendars for the Museum Board of Directors. Lunch will be served at 11:15 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 11:30 a.m.:
Tuesday, March 9
Tuesday, June 15
Tuesday, September 14
Tuesday December 7

Thanks very much for your continuing support of the U.S. Marshals Museum.

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