5 Fort Smith directors comment on 2009, 2010

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 57 views 

The City Wire recently asked the seven members of the Fort Smith Board of Directors the following questions.

What projects/issues did the board tackle well in 2009?
What projects/issues did the board not adequately address in 2009?
What projects/issues do you see consuming a majority of the board’s time during 2010?
Realizing you are not an economist, what do you anticipate for the regional economy during 2010?
What do you personally hope to accomplish during 2010 in your duties as city director? (feel free to include more than one item)
What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence impressed you the most?What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence concerned you the most?
With it likely there will be at least two new board members to begin 2011, what type of persons (qualities) do you hope the citizens elect?

Directors Gary Campbell, Cole Goodman, Don Hutchings, Kevin Settle and Steve Tyler responded.

What projects/issues did the board tackle well in 2009?
Supporting the Economic  Development efforts that succeeded in attracting several new companies (e.g. Mitsubishi, Mars Petcare Opening, UMAREX plant construction).

Supporting infrastructure work that has facilitated industrial and housing developments

Participating in the Riverfront development planning to keep the project moving.

Supporting the Regional Intermodal Facility that will open up river commerce.

Participating in the historic first joint meeting with the Sebastian County Quorum Court.

Expanding the CBID down Towson to strengthen central city development.

What projects/issues did the board not adequately address in 2009?
Developing a strategy to address the increasing Convention Center Operating deficit.

Did not adequately follow up on our January Retreat work.

What projects/issues do you see consuming a majority of the board’s time during 2010?
Developing a successful Convention Center Operating business model.

Understanding and addressing the wide panorama of Quality of Place amenities needed to retain and attract talented people for our existing and recruited employers.

Understanding and implementing the Homeless Task Force recommendations.

Determining the best way to support the US Marshals Museum project.

Identifying a strategy to support robust healthcare services in Fort Smith (e.g. Quality of Place projects).

Realizing you are not an economist, what do you anticipate for the regional economy during 2010?
With the recent job recall announcements, I’m cautiously optimistic that 2010 will see slow but positive growth.

What do you personally hope to accomplish during 2010 in your duties as city director? (feel free to include more than one item)
Continue to support critical economic development in our region.
Find ways to make the city more effective and efficient.

What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence impressed you the most?
The Fort Smith Chamber of Commerce reorganization and effectiveness
UAFS successfully reaching out to establish international relationships

What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence concerned you the most?
The prospects of Sparks Regional Medical Center closing completely.
The continued loss of physicians.
The economic downturn and job losses.

With it likely there will be at least two new board members to begin 2011, what type of persons (qualities) do you hope the citizens elect?
With a $274M annual budget the board members need business experience and willing to spend the time needed to gather the facts and make tough decisions. Many times these decisions require the balancing of immediate cost and long-term “return on investment” to keep Fort Smith progressing.


(Director Goodman responded in narrative form.)
You ask a lot and I’m not certain I can be as specific as you want.
I feel the board handled the budget for 2009 and 2010 well. With the shortfall in tax revenues we were still able to keep employees and services the same. The televising of the board meetings has been handled well. Hopefully, (it) will result in a more informed populace.

Even though we could not make everyone happy, I think we handled the various zoning issues that came before the board as best as could be.

The continuing storm water drainage problems are difficult to handle and I’m not sure we have been able to communicate the complexity and expense of this ongoing problem as good as could be done.

I think continued revenue problems and balancing the budget without cutting services will pervade 2010. Even so, the need to move on quality of place issues will remain a prevalent concern. One, that I believe most of the population of our city will understand and be for. The vote will ultimately be up to the populace and the result will let us and especially our younger citizens know whether Fort Smith has the will to move forward or will just stagnate.

Not being an economist, although that doesn’t give anyone a crystal ball, I believe our region will continue to slowly move in an upward slant on the economic scale. I expect new businesses to bring in jobs that will replace a lot of those lost recently. I look for the City, UAFS and the Chamber to work much more closely together on things that benefit all in our region, not just a select few businesses.

Personally, I hope to be able to help educate our citizens on the benefits of the quality of place issues to our whole region. Then, I hope the citizens will vote for the taxes to make those things possible. It can’t just be parks or trails, arts, or recreation, it has to encompass all.

As far as the qualities of the person elected to take my spot or some other spot, it doesn’t matter what I think the voters will decide for themselves on those.


What projects/issues did the board tackle well in 2009?
The board has taken major steps in working with the county at Ben Geren Park, & developing the riverfront. We have a long way to go, but we are marching together.

What projects/issues did the board not adequately address in 2009?
It is always difficult dealing with raises. Because of lack of funds, we were not able to give everyone their much deserved increases.

What projects/issues do you see consuming a majority of the board’s time during 2010?
Convention Center funding

Realizing you are not an economist, what do you anticipate for the regional economy during 2010?
The region’s economic future looks bright. With the city, county, & chamber working together to recruit new business, we are seeing an upturn in optimism. Many of us are praying diligently for more jobs to come to our region.

What do you personally hope to accomplish during 2010 in your duties as city director? (feel free to include more than one item)
My number one goal is to be a better servant to the people. Our citizens must know that this government belongs to them. I want to improve my listening skills.

What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence impressed you the most?
The excitement of our Marshal’s Museum. This is huge for the Ft. Smith region.

What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence concerned you the most?
I am very concerned about our healthcare. I pray that Congress isn’t making a difficult process impossible! I am also believing for a revival of morality. We must constantly teach the next generation right from wrong. The slaying of a Little Rock Salvation Army pastor must sound an alarm in our hearts.

With it likely there will be at least two new board members to begin 2011, what type of persons (qualities) do you hope the citizens elect?
I trust our citizens to elect people with integrity & honesty.


What projects/issues did the board tackle well in 2009?
In no particular order and does not include all items.
Beginning of the Riverfront development plan
Landing Mitsubishi power systems
Televise city (board of director) meetings
Meeting with Quorum court to discuss Ben Geren park
Adoption of historic preservation plan
Development of the intermodal authority
Finalist for All America City Awards
Neighborhood meeting with citizens

What projects/issues did the board not adequately address in 2009?
The downtown west end park should have been including with the quality of place discussions. Having this as a separate discussion could affect future quality of place items.
While televised board meetings is a good start, we still need to improve our  communications to our citizens.

What projects/issues do you see consuming a majority of the board’s time during 2010?
Quality of place discussions; Riverfront development and Ben Geren park development.
Economic Development.
Continue to keep projects and cost in check with our 2010 Budget, which will depend on the economy.
Obtainment of Federal dollars for city and regional projects.
Inform citizens in the city on why a good census in 2010 can benefit our city.

Realizing you are not an economist, what do you anticipate for the regional economy during 2010?
I hope to see our economy bounce back in the April or May of this year with a full recovery by the end of 2010. Our region has a bunch of good companies with a lot of good people working for them. Our citizens are capable of producing a quality product, on time and effectively, our recovery for the city and region will happen in 2010.

What do you personally hope to accomplish during 2010 in your duties as city director? (feel free to include more than one item)
Development of a quality place plan that includes Riverfront and Ben Geren park development.
Passage of  funding for the quality of place projects.
More I-49 funding for our region.
More discussion / meeting with regional partners (UAFS, FSM School District, Quorum Court, Van Buren, etc) to make the region and cities better.

What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence impressed you the most?
Christmas Honors shows how the citizens of the city and come together to make something special happen.
Continued growth of UAFS.
Creation of neighborhood coalition.

What 2009 event/project outside the city’s direct influence concerned you the most?
Regional economy.


What projects/issues did the board tackle well in 2009?
We asked for a task force to address the "fundings for non-profits" and their work is done and we will get their recommendation of this newly created board soon.

The cooperative spirit in passing the resolutions for RITA and the Ben Geren Park Project with the county. These both show the importance of combining forces to address needs of the region. These are both exciting projects which will directly effect the quality of life in the region. Of course the question when all the work is done as far as meetings, analysis, experts, will the citizens of the region be equally excited enough to vote to fund these projects.

What projects/issues did the board not adequately address in 2009?
I am disappointed in the board’s progress on talking about the possible revenue sources for plugging the hole in the general fund from loss of convention center state turn-back funds. I realize the excitement of the board to piggy-back other quality of life projects in a prepared food tax ballot question but the clock is ticking on the general fund and some revenue source has to be decided upon in the next few months.

What projects/issues do you see consuming a majority of the board’s time during 2010?
The elephant in the room, the convention center, with all that goes with it. Who will operate it? City/A&P or private operator?

Realizing you are not an economist, what do you anticipate for the regional economy during 2010?
From what I’ve heard, I will be happy if things can stay even for the next year. Jobs are the key and we have seen signs of life but I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet. This is not very hopeful for the short term but it’s my honest, gut feeling.

What do you personally hope to accomplish during 2010 in your duties as city director? (feel free to include more than one item)
I hope to learn how and be part of having a greater influence in getting money through the state depts. for this region. We’ve got to have a stronger voice in Little Rock. It’s evident we are not getting our fair share.

What 2010 event/project outside the city’s direct influence impressed you the most?
The $787 billion stimulus package. Only 20% has been released and it is historically proven that infrastructure projects create jobs and the Fort Smith regions has several of these in progress and others are on the table.

What 2010 event/project outside the city’s direct influence concerned you the most?
The economy, with jobs being the key.

With it likely there will be at least two new board members to begin 2011, what type of persons (qualities) do you hope the citizens elect?
I hope that these persons will be just as excited when they see a new company locating in Van Buren as they would if it came to Fort Smith, that they look at Sebastian County and the (University of Arkansas at Fort Smith) as partners.

They need to be the kind of people who will invest the time to establish relationships with federal and state legislators and others in position to give advice on strategies to address our challenges.

I hope they feel that Fort Smith is moving forward and agree with the direction of the UDO and the Comprehensive Plan, I hope they love the history of Fort Smith, the arts and parks and agree that they are quality of place issues that are important. I hope they are involved in their neighborhood association and that they are excited about urban trails and bike paths and sidewalks.