Trav & SHE return with a retreat. Huh?

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The Trav & SHE movie of the week: Couples Retreat

“Couples Retreat” is playing at the Malco Cinema 12 and the Carmike 14 in Fort Smith, and the Malco in Van Buren. Link here for ticket info and show times.

SHE: I can’t remember when I first saw the trailer for “Couples Retreat” but I remember my reaction. I was excited about Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau and Jason Bateman. I disclosed that although I love these boys, that love isn’t nearly enough to make me sit through what looked like garbage. Of course, I saw the trailer several more times – maybe a dozen. Each time, the film seemed less and less objectionable. Sure, let’s give it a chance. Trav and I have been out for a few weeks. Maybe this is the film to ease us back into viewing and evaluating the many offerings on the big screen. And, who knows, perhaps, it will be funny? Perhaps there will be some original jokes that won’t be based upon stereotypes? Perhaps it won’t be a formulaic comedy with the token fat black guy? Hey, whattadoyaknow? Vaughn and Favreau share writing credits with Dana Fox.

Trav: If it were up to me, I would’ve picked a different movie to renew the Trav & SHE movie reviews. I’m going to blame my viewing of "Couples Retreat" on Ken Jeong and "Swingers." I’ve seen every movie Jeong has been in this year (The Hangover, The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard and All About Steve), so I might as well watch this one.  Plus, I’ve been a fan of Vaughn and Favreau when they were so money and they didn’t even know it. In all honesty though, it’s actually timing that gets the blame. "Couples Retreat" was the only movie that opened in the Fort this week. I’ll let you know if all the funny stuff was in the trailer.

SHE: Speaking of the trailer — there are scenes in the trailer that do not appear in the movie. Whatupwiththat? The storyline revolves around four couples and we get a peek into the dynamics of all four couples. Shane (Faizon Love) is recently divorced, heart-broken and has taken up with 20-year-old Trudy (Kali Hawk). Dave (Vince Vaughn) seems happily married to Ronnie (Malin Akerman). Dave & Ronnie have two small boys and the typical time issues that come with kids, work and renovating a house. Jason (Jason Bateman), a type-A lawyer is married to Cynthia (Kristen Bell). Both are uptight, tense and anal-retentive. Joey (Jon Favreau) and Lucy (Kristen Davis) hate each other and are counting down the days until freedom, or until their daughter leaves for Stanford.

Trav: I was struggling with the idea of watching this. On paper "Couples Retreat" looks great. Vaughn and Favreau together again on the big screen are promising and I was expecting Bateman to bring some of the "Arrested Development" magic to the big screen. Throw in the nerdy-cute Kristen Bell and Malin Akerman from "Watchmen" and the pros start outweighing the cons. Once the movie started and David Bowie’s Modern Love hit the theater speakers, my interest was grabbed and my expectations were peaked.

SHE: There’s so much potential with a film like this. And, when I say “a film like this,” I mean a film starring Vaughn, Favreau and Bateman. I also can’t ignore the supporting roles of Ken Jeong of The Hangover, John Michael Higgins of numerous TV and movie appearances, Carlos Ponce of yummyville, and one of my all time favorites: Jean Reno who plays “the Couple Whisperer.” Alas, that may be the problem with “a film like this.” The movie-goer goes in expecting something special, something original, something funny, something more than a wannabe end of summer buddy-crossover-romantic flick.

Trav: The potential was there but I think the powers-that-be behind the movie were too worried about turning a profit than putting out a good comedy. They got what they wanted. "Couples Retreat" opened with a box office leading $34 million. It’s too bad they made it for the masses instead of focusing on the material. With all the talent associated with the flick and the beautiful location, this had the potential to be so much more than just an OK movie.

SHE: “Couples Retreat” has its funny moments. Dave & Ronnie’s son steals a scene early in the film but the second time was gratuitous and all I thought was, “really?” There are a few interesting twists but I still couldn’t help wonder, why are these people friends? Where are the commonalities? Oh no, wait! We don’t need that! What we need is a couple to represent each personality, or say — demographic. That way every moviegoer can either relate to one of the characters or look at a particular character and say, “yep, I know someone just like Joey or Jason or Dave.” Really? We may sit through all the trailers, and now we sit through all the commercials but c’mon we are not that obtuse. Well, most of us aren’t. Entertain us. Challenge us. Confronting us about “who wants to go to Applebee’s by themselves?” Slightly amusing. Getting philosophical about “being an ass for your marriage, for your children, for love.” Meh.

Trav: There were some cute moments and there were some funny scenes. Overall I found the story to be lacking any general direction and the dialogue was too predictable. Something that annoyed me about "Couples Retreat" was the blatant product placement. I’m not talking about a soda can strategically placed in a camera shot. I’m talking about a scene in the movie that turns out to be nothing more than a 4 minute commercial for Guitar Hero.

SHE: “Couples Retreat” wasn’t pure garbage as I predicted when I first saw the trailer. I went on a Sunday afternoon and the theater was full. Understand my expectations were high for two reasons: 1) I had been away from the theater for a bit, and 2) see the list of actors above. I also walked past “Whip It,” and was so tempted to sneak in there! I took 5 snacks into “Couples Retreat” and ate 3, giving this film 2 snacks out of 5. I think this film is best suited for rental. However, I have been told I’m somewhat of a comedy snob and have unreasonable expectations. (Imagine that!) Thus, you may enjoy this movie. In fact, if you have seen it and liked it, please comment and let us know. We want to hear from you!

Trav: For me, "Couples Retreat" wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was just kinda meh.  People in the theater were cracking up and seemed to be enjoying the movie. I wasn’t one of those people. I had seen and laughed at all the funny lines in the trailer. This was the first movie I’ve seen in a while where I didn’t have to worry about discussing a spoiler in the review. I just wish there would’ve been a spoiler alert attached to the trailer. If you don’t want a spoiler, don’t watch the trailer. Rent it or Netflix it, but don’t waste your cash going to see this. "Couples Retreat" gets a 2.5 out 5 from me.

• Nine (Dec. 25)
Trav: I prefer the intimate setting of an actual theater to watch a musical. I’ve never been a fan of musicals on the big screen. However, I was actually kind of interested in this one based on the big names associated with the movie. However, all the big names are trumped by one. Knowing that Daniel Day-Lewis and Judy Dench share the screen with Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas is enough to make me want to skip this.

SHE: It’s a musical. It’s a romance. Directed by Rob Marshall, and staring Daniel Day-Lewis, Penélope Cruz, the mermaid girl Marion Cotillard, and Dame Judi Dench! The trailer seriously had me on the edge of my seat. Confession: I "heart" a good musical. Wait, what? SOPHIA LOREN? Sign me up!

• The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Nov. 20)
Trav: Part two of the Twilight Saga. The wildly popular books written by Stephenie Meyer seem to have turned into a movie juggernaut. I tried reading this series, but haven’t been able to get more than 3 chapters deep into the first book. I did enjoy watching the first movie, so I’ll watch this one.

SHE: No. There was a scene of a guy with dreadlocks saying, “so mouthwatering.” Based on that alone, I will not see this movie. Thank you. Go ahead, judge me.

• The Wolfman (Feb. 10)
Trav: Even though it stars Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins it looks more like Wolfmeh to me.

SHE: Me no likey. Maybe if we get a re-edit of the trailer, I’ll rethink it but right now it’s not looking good for the hairy beast.

• It’s Complicated (Dec. 25)
Trav: It’s not complicated for me to decide I do not want to watch a movie starring Alec Baldwin and Meryl Streep as a divorced couple that end up pining for each other again.

SHE: I don’t know. This is a maybe. I’m a fan of Alec since 30 Rock and throw in Steve Martin? Definite maybe.

Trav can can be reached at [email protected]

SHE can be reached at [email protected]