This is good stuff from your friends and neighbors
story and photos by Linda Kaufenberg
Eighty-five entries were juried in the 33rd Annual Adult Artist Competition at Center for Arts and Education in Van Buren. Winners were announced at a reception held Sunday afternoon at the art center.
“This is a regional show with most artists living in the River Valley and Oklahoma,” said Jane Owen, executive director of the art center. “We like to promote the arts at all levels. Most of our artists paint for fun. Sometimes this competition is the first time an artist has competed and had their work juried.”
Winners were:
Best of Show: Richard and Helen Hodo Award, Jason Sacran – “Perspective of Youth”
First Place: Barbara Loftin – “Sara”
Second Place: Christa Nishmuta – “In Honor of Friendship”
Third Place: Linda Stair – “Cedar Creek II”
Merit Awards
Doris Echols Color Award: Julie Mayser – “The Shadow of the Wind”
Carolyn Holmes Perspective Award: Paula Rupp – “Kyo”
Alice Adele Boatright Award (Architectural): Barbara Loftin – “Ozark Folk Ways”
Ethel Ashley Founders Design Award: Julie Mayser – “Breeze in the Trees”
Amie Fellwock Watercolor Award: Patsy O’Kelley – “Fall”
Helen Hallum Pastel Award: Patsy O’Kelley – “Whoo Me?”
Mildred U. Peak Acrylic Award: Sandra Midgett – “Breaking Thru the Mist”
Honorable Mentions
Gilda Meyers – “Bridgett, Monte, Felix”
Cindy Sugg – “Iris Garden”
Laura Wattles – “Chair Baby”
Susan Kennigseder – “Sleep of the Angels”
Anna Sue Wilcox – “The Waiting”
“It is so hard to judge different media in the same show, but we did the best we could,” said Bill and Gloria Garrison, jurors. “For you beginners, we admire your tenacity for entering. Everyone has to start somewhere. Overall, the show exhibits a lot of talent in the area.”
Laura Wattle, who won an honorable mention, entered her third attempt at watercolors. She had taken a class in Scottsdale, Ariz., in watercolor. Her painting, “Chair Baby,” was referenced from an old photo from the 1920s she found at an old flea market.
Grand Champion Jason Sacran talked about his oil painting, “Perspective of Youth.” The painting is of his 17-year-old sister-in-law leaning on an old chair. According to Jason, his sister-in-law was graduating from high school and the chair symbolizes the past generation she is leaning on. But the chair also is leaning, Sacran explained, which he said symbolizes that her grandfather, who now has dementia, is now leaning on others.
The art will be on display through September 25 at the Center for Arts and Education in Van Buren. The center was established as Crawford County Art Center in 1976 and in 1984 moved into the historic St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 104 N. 13th St. in Van Buren.