Malpractice reform
Sermo, the largest online physician community, reports that 87% of U.S. physicians support President Obama’s support of including malpractice reform in a health care reform bill. Sermo surveyed 3,102 doctors to prepare the report.
The survey also found that 94% of physicians surveyed say defensive medicine has led them to order tests or procedures that they did not believe were medically necessary.
“I practice defensive medicine every day. Every single day. And I know it. And the only apology/explanation I make for it is that I do it because I have to. I have to. To NOT practice defensive medicine in our current tort climate is to risk licensure, and career, every single day,” noted one Sermo survey respondent.
According to the survey, 88% of physicians say there should be caps on pain and suffering damages, 84% say there should be accountability for expert witnesses, 83% say there should be caps on attorney profits, 82% say there should be limits on non-economic damages, and 82% say there should be special medical courts with a jury of medical experts.
Sermo has said true healthcare reform will only succeed if:
Tort and malpractice laws are reformed;
Billing is streamlined and pricing made transparent;
The insurance industry is reformed; and
Payment systems are simplified so they align with the growing need for preventive medicine.