Thoma Authors Book on Branding

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Fayetteville native Martin Thoma laughed when asked when he first thought about writing a book.

“I was 23,” he said.

That was around the time Thoma graduated from the University of Arkansas with a degree in journalism and English. Now, more than 20 years later, “Branding Like the Big Boys” is in print.

The book is aimed at small- and mid-sized business owners and operators, and designed to help them become more profitable to “developing and living a great brand,” Thoma said.

“Brands aren’t logos or advertising campaigns,” he continued. “Brands are living, breathing, dynamic things that exist in the minds of customers. You might not control what that image in their mind is, but you can design it, nurture it and shape it.

“Identify what makes you unique, package it to make it tangible, then market it effectively.”

“Branding Like the Big Boys” is divided into 49 quick-hitting chapters that cover about 145 pages. Thoma, who owns a consulting agency in Little Rock wrote the book in a conversational, anecdotal style reminiscent of his favorite business books.

“One of the things I’ve been gratified by, and something that affirmed what I hoped, is that a lot of the people who have reviewed the book have noted how readable it is and that it dispenses with jargon.” Thoma said.

While Thoma has some ongoing discussions with publishing houses, he opted to self-publish the first run, and the book is available at