Intermodal authority agreement signed; Boozman says authority is a ‘huge step’

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 83 views 

Business, political and academic leaders gathered Thursday afternoon (Aug. 6) to sign documents creating the Western Arkansas Regional Intermodal Transit Authority — an event U.S. Rep. John Boozman, R-Rogers, called a “huge step” for the Fort Smith region.

Rusty Myers, economic development director for the Western Arkansas Planning and Development District, said the gathering — held at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith — was a way to “officially announce and celebrate” the authority creation. He said considering all the political boundaries and years of financial and regulatory hurdles overcome, it was not an overstatement to “call this a watershed event.”

The effort to create a regional intermodal authority began again in earnest on Feb. 18, and resulted in a May 27 meeting in which key governmental and business leaders in Crawford and Sebastian counties agreed to push the effort.

The Western Arkansas Planning and Development District took the lead in managing the process to identify the viability of creating a formal organization that would develop, maintain and/or operate intermodal/port facilities. The goal was to create a structure and facilities “that would enhance regional freight management and advance the competitiveness of the region’s business,” according to WAPDD information. In other words, the group hopes to maximize the use of all forms of transportation — rail, barge, air, interstate — so as to reduce shipping costs and increase service options for regional business and industries.

Efforts to create a regional freight system were first attempted in the early 1990s, and Ken O’Donnell, director of the Bi-State Metropolitan Planning Organization, was recognized for his more than 20-year devotion to the intermodal cause.

On June 29, the intermodal task force agreed to an 11-page document that would be submitted to the governing boards in the two counties and in Fort Smith and Van Buren.

Among many other legal details, the document to be considered would create a 12-member board based on the following appointments:
• The mayor of each city (Fort Smith and Van Buren) will appoint three members — one member must be a government or elected official, one member must represent a manufacturer or shipper, and one member must be a city resident.

• The county judges of each county (Crawford and Sebastian counties) will appoint three members — one member must be a government or elected official, one member must represent a manufacturer or shipper, and one member must be a county resident.

The Crawford County Quorum Court approved the document July 13. The Van Buren City Council approved the document July 20, and the Fort Smith Board of Directors and Sebastian County Quorum Court approved the document July 21.

During the recent Arkansas General Assembly, Rep. Rick Green, R-Van Buren, successfully pushed legislation that provided $375,000 to get a intermodal authority on its feet. Mat Pitsch, the former vice president of economic development for the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce who was hired in April to help WAPDD manage the authority study process, said Boozman, Green and Rep. Tracy Pennartz, D-Fort Smith, were instrumental in making it all happen.

With Green unable to attend, Pennartz spoke about the future of the authority, reminding the audience of a quote from former UAFS Chancellor Joel Stubblefield now on the building in which they were standing. Paraphrasing Stubblefield’s quote, Pennartz said the intermodal authority is a tool and what is done with it is “entirely in our hands.” (Stubblefield’s quote on the Baldor Technology Center building: “The people of Western Arkansas have given you a great tool. What you do with it is entirely in your hands.”)

UAFS Chancellor Dr. Paul Beran said the effort to create the authority moved faster than he imagined, and thanked Boozman for being the “voice in the wilderness” urging leaders in the region to “get together” and make it happen.

Boozman said the creation is just a “first step, a huge step,” that now must be followed by hard work to make the authority a success.

Following the comments, Fort Smith Mayor Ray Baker, Van Buren Mayor Bob Freeman, Crawford County Judge John Hall and Sebastian County Judge David Hudson signed the agreement creating the authority.