Mac Computer Club Meeting

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Mac Computer Club Meeting
Southwest Times Record building
3600 Wheeler Ave.
Fort Smith *Event State: Ark.

If you like Mac computers, iPods, iPhones, or are just curious about  all things Apple , come join us and sit in on our club meeting. Guests are always welcome at our monthly meeting. Come see what all the commotion is about Apple’s products. We’ll have demos and a question and answer period during our meetings where we give hints, tips, and a lot more.  And remember, guests are always welcome to join us. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at the Southwest Times Record building in Fort Smith, up in the conference room.

For more information about AAAMUG (Arkansas Apple And Macintosh User Group), or to see what we’ll be looking at this month, check out our website. We are a non-profit educational club.

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