Casket Creators Corner Cheesy Commercial (Outtakes Opinion)

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 129 views 

We recently saw an ad for Classic Car Caskets of Rogers on cable television. The spot featured a montage of various tricked-out coffins with wild interiors and exteriors. One was even complete with a working car stereo.

With careless editing and simply tasteless voice-over, the 30 seconds of air could’ve just as easily been an ad for a funky new dance club or a day spa.

We understand why people want a little levity for the living when they’re looking at the great inevitable, but we can’t imagine how CCC’s cheesy marketing is going to increase their sales. We wonder if they actually think their ad will be top-of-mind when a loved one dies?

If anything more truly tasteless has ever aired in Northwest Arkansas, we didn’t see it.