Late Night Commercials Flip Patrons (Opinion)

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 110 views 

We were slightly amused by Take 2 Video’s football seasoned commercial that features a Razorback-frenzied husband and an attention-starved wife.

The kicker at the end tells ladies to give their men “a half-time show” he

won’t forget by renting from the store’s “couples’ corner.” At that point in the spot, the man is sitting up in bed, wearing only a novelty hog nose. Clearly, the implication is the couple engaged in kinky bedroom sports.

This ad, though a tad racy for some in the market, seems to pass the acceptability factor, especially since we’ve never seen it air before 9 p.m.

But we have a different take on a commercial for Foghorn’s restaurant of Fayetteville.

The ad features shots of people eating, drinking and playing pool. Then they stick their middle fingers in the air. The hands are blurred but the intent is obvious.

The punch line is: If you don’t like the establishment’s wings, they’ll give you the bird.

We think this ad, which also runs later than prime time, has gone too far into the rude zone. We don’t feel anyone deserves the finger while lounging in their La-Z-Boy after a tough day.

Since when did it become clever, or even acceptable, to flip-off your potential patrons?