D-G Editors Get Loose

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 77 views 

The cover of the Sept. 28 “Business Matters” section of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette posed the question, “Is Wal-Mart’s stock finally loosing steam?”r

Obviously, they meant “losing” steam. The same mistake was repeated in a headline on the section’s center spread story about Wal-Mart Stores Inc. In the newspaper world, it’s almost easier to make mistakes in headlines because that copy usually isn’t spell checked by the computer.r

Nobody is perfect. In the past, we’ve treated our readers to headline gaffs that included “reins” when it should have been “reigns,” “vice” when it should have been “vise” and too many goofy puns to count. We figure you have no business reading about business if you can’t laugh.r