New Wings for Tyson Foods

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 114 views 

Tyson Foods Inc. recently purchased a Global Express jet tailored to fly long distances and provide luxury accommodations for up to nine passengers and sleep facilities for six. The jet’s passenger cabin is reported to have a suede ceiling and leather seating that fully reclines.

Word is, the plane recently took top Tyson management to a meeting in Russia.

The Global Express is the ultra long-range business jet developed by Bombardier Aerospace and produced since 1999. According to an aerospace industry Web site, the aircraft has a cruise speed just below sonic level at Mach 0.88 or 0.85 and is capable of using first-class or secondary airports and basic short airfields in remote areas.

The aircraft has two Rolls-Royce Deutschland turbofan engines that deliver 14,750 pounds of thrust each at takeoff. It’s capable of flying around the world with only three to four stops for refueling. Tyson paid an estimated $40 million for the jet.