Tolbert: Linda Collins-Smith Announces For State Senate
by January 22, 2014 1:49 am 484 views
Former State Rep. Linda Collins-Smith announced her plans to seek the State Senate District 19 seat in northeast Arkansas as a Republican.
Collin-Smith, a hotel business owner from Pocahontas narrowly lost a race against incumbent Democratic Sen. David Wyatt of Batesville in 2012 – 49% to 51%. Collins-Smith was first elected as a Democrat in 2010, but switched parties in 2011 saying that she found the Democratic Party has “no room for conservatives.”
Collins points specifically to “repealing ObamaCare” in her announcement.
“ObamaCare has come to Arkansas and we already are seeing the disastrous effects. Insurance plans are being cancelled and premium rates for new policies are through the roof. Medicaid expansion is causing more government bureaucracy and if we fail to act now, large tax increases are inevitable in the coming years,” said Collins-Smith.
She also mentioned creating a business friendly environment through tax reforms, protecting Second Amendment rights, and protecting the right to life.
Sen. Wyatt has not officially announced his plans but is expected not to seek re-election. State Rep. James McLean (D-Batesville) is expected to run for the seat if it is open.