Curry Dropping Lt. Governor Bid, Could Run For Congress
by July 30, 2013 4:51 am 438 views
Little Rock School Board President Dianne Curry says she will drop her bid for the Democratic Lt. Governor’s nomination and instead “consider a bid” for Second District Congress.
The Congressional seat is currently held by incumbent Cong. Tim Griffin (R).
At a Pulaski County Democratic Committee meeting on Monday night, Curry told an audience of her intent to leave the Lt. Governor’s race. Later in the evening, she issued a press release.
“We have a lot of work to do between now and 2014. We have to unite all our efforts to make sure we hold the Governorship, retake the Lt. Governor’s office, retake the Secretary of State’s office, and most of all retake the State Legislature of Arkansas for the people of Arkansas,” Curry’s statement read.
“The work we continue starting today, starting now, to make sure every vote counts means so much to me. But it means more to our young people. It’s more than now we are fighting for in these elections, its the life, the state we will leave to our children and our children’s children. What we are fighting for is bigger than just this race for Lt. Governor. We are in a fight to protect our most sacred constitutional right: access to the ballot box. To that end, I am ending my race for Lt. Governor,” she said.
“In the coming days, I will speak with my friends and supporters about a potential bid for U.S. Congress in the Second Congressional District,” Curry added.
You can read her full statement at this link.
Current Lt. Governor Mark Darr (R) has not announced if he will seek re-election in 2014 and has been rumored to be considering a run for Fourth District Congress. Little Rock businessman John Burkhalter has declared he will seek the Democratic nomination for Lt. Governor and has received the endorsement of presumptive Democratic gubernatorial nominee Mike Ross.